
Map of the languages distribution in the Okavango Basin

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Map of the languages distribution in the Okavango Basin focal area. 4. Compiled from Milheiros, M. 1967. Notas de etnografia Angolana. Instituto de Investigação Cientifica de Angola; Redinha, J. 1962. Distribuiçã etnica de Angola. Edição Do Centro de Informação e turismo de Angola; Robins, S., Madzudzo, E. & Brenzinger. M. 2001. An assessment of the status of the San in South Africa, Angola, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Legal Assistance Centre, Windhoek; Cassidy, L., Good, K., Mazonde, I. & Rivers, R. 2001. An assessment of the status of the San in Botswana. Legal Assistance Centre, Windhoek; Bendsen, H. 2002. Arable Agriculture and its significance in terms of spatial coverage, job and income generation potential. Unpublished report, Harry Oppenheimer Okavango Research Centre, Maun; Mendelsohn, J.M. & el Obeid, S. 2003. Sand and water: a profile of the Kavango Region in Namibia. Struik, Cape Town. Origin: RAISON.

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Map Data
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Languages_2004.zip 102.06 KB