231105002410: Environmental Scoping for the proposed Ultra-Modern Cape Fria Port and Atlantic City Master Plan, Township Planning and Sub-Division, Land Servicing and Creation of Streets), Cape Fria in the Kunene Region
Publication Year:

The Kaoko Fria Investment and Partners proposed the development of an Ultra-Modern Cape Fria Port and Atlantic City in different phases starting with Phase 1 which consist of the Township Planning, Sub-Division, Land Servicing and Creation of Streets. The future (long-term) Phases of the proposed development shall constitute a Port harbor at Angra Fria, as a Gateway-Import / Export Trans-shipment hub, a Dry port at Katima Mulilo, Blue Economy and fishing initiatives, a Smart City with Smart services, a Commercial zone, Dry port, Energy generation, Water desalination, a Manufacturing hub, Mining, Mineral Processing, Tourism, Housing, Education Centers, and Food Production, and Environmental Management; with a Network of Roads, Railway and Airport, connecting the port to the rest of Namibia and the world.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 9 April 2024

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