
230405001271: The proposed construction of a 66KV overhead powerline for the Twin Hills Gold Project, within the Erongo Region, Namibia

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ENERGY GENERATION, TRANSMISSION AND STORAGE ACTIVITIES (1.b) The construction of facilities for the transmission and supply of electricity; A 66 kV overhead powerline (about 20.3 km in length) will be constructed from the Erongo substation to the proposed Twin Hills substation. FORESTRY ACTIVITIES (4.) The clearance of forest areas, deforestation, a-forestation, timber harvesting or any other related activity that requires authorisation in term of the Forest Act, 2001 (Act No. 12 of 2001) or any other law. Vegetation will be cleared for the construction of the substation, metering station, overhead powerline and for an access road that will run along the 20.3 km stretch of the powerline. LAND USE AND DEVELOPMENT ACTIVITIES (5.3) Construction of veterinary protected area or game proof and international boundary fences. A fence will be constructed around the proposed metering station and substation for security purposes. The overhead powerline will be constructed near Karibib from the Erongo Substation (which will be constructed by NamPower) to the Twin Hills Gold Projects mining licence (ML) 238 as seen in the figure attached (Figure 1). There are two options for the route, option 1 (preferred route - 20.3 km) and option 2 (alternative route - 24.6 km). The construction of a metering station (on behalf of NamPower) and the Twin Hills substation (owned and operated by the Proponent), will also form part of this proposed Project.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 18 July 2023

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