
Pterocarpus angolensis growth rings and precipitation: A comparison between Zambezi and Otjozondjupa region, Namibia

Publication Year:

Pterocarpus angolensisis one of the most valuable species used for timber in Southern Africancountries. In Namibia, the species has been harvested for over 90 years for both commercial anddomestic use. This is likely to lead to unsustainable management if efforts to understand the growthand response of the species to environmental conditions are not made. This study aimed to comparegrowth rings to precipitation in Zambezi and Otjozondjupa regions. Ten trees were sampled andfrom the disks, tree ring widths with two radii were measured with a microscopic device. Crossdatingwas carried out to construct the indexes, which was used to prepare the master of chronology. Thefindings show that the rainfall amount is not necessarily the limiting factor, as a weak correlation inboth regions was found, regardless of the amount of rainfall received in the region. The results showa better correlation, though negative, between the months of September and December. Furtherstudies are required that use precipitation data for stations near study sites and the considerationof other factors such as soil, temperature and fire regimes. The use of rainfall data from much lessdistance to the study site are recommended as well as the consideration of soil, temperature andfire aspects. Keywords: Growth rings precipitation, Pterocarpus angolensis, Zambezi, Otjozondjupa, Namibia.

Publication Title:

International Science and Technology Journal of Namibia (ISTJN)

Item Type:
Journal Article