
Angola in old maps - Exploring Angola through European maps


Angola, a country located in the southwest of the African continent, has a history that goes back a long way. Unlike the interior of Africa, which was not explored until the nineteenth century, Angola is located on the Atlantic coast, and this area was made known to the world through explorers much earlier. History is typically thought of as being recorded in writings. However, in addition to books, maps can also be used as a vehicle for recording history. As a combination of graphics, images, and text, maps are able to convey a wide variety of information. Every map has its purpose. Cartographers in the past would use maps to record the course of rivers, the location of cities, the routes of explorers, the distribution of colonies, or some other information. Therefore, maps have played an indispensable role in transmitting information in the past and exploring history today. Each old map can bring us a 'story'. Maps always have to be looked at bearing in mind the perspective of the culture and time of its makers. Here we trace the story of Angola in maps through the eyes of European travelers, cartographers, and those influencing the making of them such as publishers or government authorities.

Institute of Cartography at the TU Dresden and the State Library in Berlin
MSc Thesis
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