
Application for Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for the Proposed Petroleum Exploration Operations (Drilling of Stratigraphic Wells) in Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) 73 Covering Blocks 1719, 1720, 1721, 1819, 1820 and 1821, Etosha Basin, Kavango West and East Regions, Northern Namibia

Publication Year:


Environmental Scoping Report Volume 1. Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Report Volume 2. Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Report Volume 3. Proposed Petroleum (Oil and Gas) Exploration Operations (Drilling of Stratigraphic Wells) in Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) 73 Covering Blocks 1719, 1720, 1721, 1819, 1820 and 1821, Etosha Basin, Kavango West and East Regions, northern Namibia. The proponent intent to start with two (2) wells and if the results are positive, additional wells may be drilled. A standard single well site for conventional onshore oil or gas drilling will typically affect a surface area measuring 150 m by 150 m. The well site will typically hold the drilling rig and additional equipment along with supervisory accommodation and material storage. Once drilling is completed the affected area will be reclaimed to minimise surface disturbance. To prepare for initial drilling, the access road and well site/s may require vegetation clearing, levelling, if necessary, with a bulldozer and/or grader / labour-based option if manpower exists with the local area, with careful consideration given to sensitivities of the receiving environment including: not cutting down of larger trees and protected flora as well as being on a look out for possible unexploded ordinances that may be buried. The scale and duration of site preparation is site-specific and may last for few hours to a couple of days depending on the length of the access or size of the site to be prepared. The likely key sources of negative environmental (physical, biological and socioeconomic/cultural/ archaeological) impacts can be divided into two (2) main categories and these are: (1) Routine and physical presence operational activities: (i) Pre-construction and drilling requirements; (ii) Construction; (iii) Mobilisation; (iv) Spudding and Conductor casing; (v) Drilling surface / intermediate and setting casing and cementing process through up 900m; (vi) Drilling and continuous coring from 900 meters (2953’) to 1900 meters (6234’); (vii) Drilling below 1900 meters to total depth, estimated at 2500 meters (+/-8202’); (viii) Plug and abandon hole; (ix) Rehabilitate all surface disturbances and clear the site of any debris, and; (x) Camp removal, site closure / abandonment. (2) Unplanned accidental events: (i) Major land accidental incidence such as diesel / oil spill / fire / explosion.

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Attachment Size
ESR_EIA Report Report for Drilling in PEL 73 Blocks 1819 and 1820 Kavango East and West Vol 1 of 3.pdf 3.01 MB
EIA_EIA Report Report for Drilling in PEL 73 Blocks 1819 and 1820 Kavango East and West Vol 2 of 3.pdf 10.39 MB
EMP_EIA Report Report for Drilling in PEL 73 Blocks 1819 and 1820 Kavango East and West Vol 3 of 3.pdf 8.18 MB
Annex 1_EIA Report Report for Drilling in PEL 73 Blocks 1819 and 1820 Kavango East and West Vol 2 of 3.pdf 3.83 MB
Annex 3 of 1_Confidente Advert 16_22 May 2019.pdf 2.58 MB
Annex 2_Fauna and Flora in PEL 73 Blocks 1819 and 1820 Kavango West Region_Dec 2018.pdf 922.87 KB
Annex 3 of 3_3_Feature Article 1 Monday 27th May 2019.pdf 2.32 MB
Annex 3_Socioeconomic Report for PEL 73 Multi Well Drilling Operations_Jan 2019.pdf 1.61 MB
Annex 4_Groundwater Report for EIA PEL 73 Stratigraphic Well Drilling in Kavango Basin_March 2019.pdf 1.86 MB
Annex 5_Archaeological Desk Report for PEL 73 Blocks 1819 and 1820 Kavango East Region_Jan 2019.pdf 1.67 MB
ECC for RecoAfrica Kavango Basin Strategraphic Well Drilling Project_2019.pdf 598.65 KB
Minutes of the Meeting Held in Nkurenkuru Kavango West Region on 9 May 2019.pdf 428.74 KB
Minutes of the Meeting Held in Rundu Kavango East Region on 10 May 2019.pdf 451.36 KB
Nkurenkuru Kavango West Region Attedance Register Stakeholder Meeting 9 May 2019.pdf 1.32 MB
PEL 73 Meetings Presentations for Proposed Petoleum Exploration by in PEL 73 Kavango West and East Regions.pdf 8.91 MB
Public Notice 1 Confidente Newspaper 16_22 May 2019.pdf 5.67 MB
Rundu Kavango East Region Attedance Register Stakeholder Meeting 10 May 2019.pdf 1.01 MB