Plants of Namibia
The aim of this webpage is to provide a comprehensive updatable working list of Namibia's indigenous flora and collate plant species information scattered in various publications and other resources like unpublished reports. It will also incorporate the extensive records and information collected by one of Namibia's early and longest-serving botanists, Mr Willy Giess, that is in our possession, as well as our own data that has been assembled for over 30 years. The information includes as much detail as we have been able to assemble from our comprehensive plant systematic research and other aspects. Information will be added when available. Our previous database, which included information used in a MSB seed Collecting Guide for Namibia, was transferred to BRAHMS, because of participating in the Millennium Seed Bank Partnership (MSBP), and to be able to use the BRAHMS seed module. This database focuses on the plants of Namibia, but also includes Fungi and lichens and some taxa from neighbouring countries that we have dealt with in more detail. Work on this database is not funded and data may not be sold or used for commercial purposes.