Any facility devoted to the collection, maintenance and distribution of materials or data compiled to convey knowledge on some subject, often with trained staff persons available to answer questions. (Source: RHW)

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Displaying results 1 - 35 of 35 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Kolberg H 2009. Ombuto. Newsletter of the Millennium Seed Bank Project in Namibia.
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MSBP_Newsletter3_09.pdf 494.87 KB
Kolberg H 2008. Ombuto. Newsletter of the Millennium Seed Bank Project in Namibia.
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MSBP_Newsletter2_08.pdf 751.89 KB
Kolberg H 2008. Ombuto. Newsletter of the Millennium Seed Bank Project in Namibia.
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MSBP_Newsletter1_08.pdf 709.43 KB
Muranga V Aluka.
2017. Carnivore distribution in Namibia.
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Carnivores of Namibia summary.pdf 1.97 MB