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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 1 - 19 of 19
Wednesday, 10 January 2024
Bause T 2024. Beweerde stropery in Namib-Naukluft.

Die 49-jarige Leon Schiffer het Maandag in die landdroshof op Maltahöhe verskyn. Hy word van stropery in die Namib-Naukluft Nasionale Park (in die Sesriem-distrik) aangekla. Luidens verlede naweek se polisieverslag is Schiffer op 5 Januarie omstreeks 10:00 saam met nog 'n verdagte (32) in hegtenis geneem - volgens inligting van die landdroskantoor in Maltahöhe was dit 'n sekere "Gariseb". Die twee het glo nege gemsbokke gestroop.

Friday, 5 January 2024
Bause T 2024. Venasha, die renoster blom.

Dit gaan baie goed met Venasha, die renosterkalfie wat in Oktober 2022 by die Rhino Momma-projek aangekom het, nadat sy deur haar ma verwerp is. Volgens Juliette Erdtsieck, haar versorger van die afgelope 19 maande, bly Venasha onder meer saam met drie renosterkoeie en hul kalwers in 'n kamp. "Sy word nou regtig baie groot en is 'n regte renoster! Sy het op 26 November haar laaste bottel melk gekry en aan die einde van die jaar is sy na die groot kamp verskuif," sê Juliette. Die Rhino Momma-projek in Namibië het in 2022 in een maand twee wees-renosterkalfies gekry.

Wednesday, 20 December 2023
Bause T 2023. Tanzanier van handel in plante aangekla.

’n Tanzaniese burger wat glo 'n meesterbrein in die handel van plante is en haar drie Namibiese medebeskuldigdes verskyn Donderdag in die Opuwo-landdroshof vir die onwettige oes van Olifantvoet. Die 29-jarige Diana Mushiku van Tanzanië, Veisiruaije Tjavara (25), Jenniter Simataa (37) en Tjivinda Unatavi (31) is tussen 21 Oktober en 10 November in Okondjombu in die Puros-omgewing in die Kunenestreek in hegtenis geneem met 46 Adenia pechuelii-plante, beter bekend as Olifantvoet, wat hulle na bewering sonder 'n permit geoes het.

Tuesday, 21 November 2023
Bause T 2023. Hired car used in poaching, stock theft.

The two suspects were caught in the early hours of Friday morning with five goats in their possession which had been poached. The men also poached two kudus, two waterbucks and a gemsbok worth N$35 000 in the Khomas Region.

Wednesday, 23 August 2023
Bause T 2023. Al meer strikke in Etosha gestel.

"Ons kan nie die mense verwyder nie; hulle is deel van die park. Ons moet net kyk hoe ons kan verseker dat hulle die reëls nakom.

Wednesday, 23 August 2023
Reiter C, Bause T 2023. Umweltministerium ist besorgt.

Das Ministerium für Umwelt, Forstwirtschaft und Tourismus ist laut einer Pressemitteilung
besorgt über die zunehmende Verwendung von Drahtschlingen zur illegalen Jagd und Tötung
von Wildtieren im Park. Der Pressesprecher des Ministeriums, Romeo Muyunda, erklärte: "Wir
möchten betonen, dass die Beseitigung von Schlingen zu unseren täglichen Aufgaben im
Rahmen der Parkverwaltung gehört. Es wird vermutet, dass einige Gemeindemitglieder, die sich
im Nationalpark aufhalten, Schlingen aufstellen, um Wildtiere zu jagen und zu töten." In Etoscha

Friday, 21 July 2023
Smit E, Bause T 2023. Trae hofprosesse knou stryd teen wildstropery.

Statistiek toon altesaam 404 verdagtes is verlede jaar in verband met wildstropery vir vleis in hegtenis geneem, terwyl 89 verdagtes skuldig bevind is.

Statistics show a total of 404 suspects were arrested last year in connection with poaching for meat, while 89 suspects were found guilty.

Tuesday, 9 May 2023
Smit E, Bause T 2023. Vyftien renosters vanjaar gestroop.

Altesaam 15 renosters is vanjaar gestroop, teenoor 87 in 2022 en 45 in 2021. Die laaste renoster is tussen 1 en 28 April op 'n private plaas in die Grootfontein-omgewing gestroop. Die karkas is eers verlede week ontdek en die ondersoek dui daarop dat die dier twee keer met 'n jaggeweer geskiet is.

Tuesday, 7 February 2023
Motlhoka T 2023. Botswana presents intensified rhino anti-poaching efforts at global conference for trade in wild species.

Botswana's government has presented to the ongoing CITES CoP-19 in Panama a detailed document on the country's efforts to contain rhino poaching which increased at least 100 fold between 2018 and 2020. The country recorded two rhino poaching incidents in the five years between 2012 and 2017 with zero incidents reported in 2012, 2014, 2015, and 2017.

Thursday, 17 November 2022
Motlhoka T 2022. Botswana man arrested for possession of live pangolin.

Botswana' Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP) has confirmed the recent arrest of a man found in possession of a live pangolin in the capital Gaborone. The department says the incident was reported to them by the Botswana Police, raising concern about the continued poaching of pangolins.

Sunday, 21 August 2022
Motlhoka T 2022. Rhino killed at Khama Sanctuary?.

A white rhino has reportedly been killed and dehorned by poachers inside the protected Khama Rhino Sanctuary (KRS) in Botswana. Two separate conservationists have reported about the killing. One conservationist told this publication that their sources inside the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP) confirmed the incident. "Two weeks ago a white rhino was poached at Khama Rhino Sanctuary but they are denying it happened at their property but sources inside DWNP confirm it was indeed at KRS."

Friday, 8 April 2022
Motlhoka T 2022. Increased movement in wildlife areas reduces poaching activities.

"The absence of tourists in conservation areas enables poachers to act more freely. In normal times, tourists act as additional 'eyes and ears' in conservation areas, and their presence deters poachers from acting, but the decline in tourism activity emboldened poachers," a UK government report on the impact of Covid-19 on poaching has said.

Tuesday, 29 March 2022
Bause T 2022. Draadstrikke aan die toeneem.

Volgens dr. Ulf Tubbesing het sy span in die laaste twee jaar vyf vlakvarke van draadstrikke bevry.

According to dr. Ulf Tubbesing, his team has freed five warthogs from wire traps in the last two years.

Friday, 19 November 2021
Motlhoka T 2021. Botswana struggles with rising cases of rhino poaching.

Poaching intensified over the past three years following the 2018 decision by the government to disarm the anti-poaching unit under the DWNP. The 100+ rhinos poached since the disarmament represents a 100+ percent increase in poaching incidents when compared to the previous three years when Botswana lost one rhino per annum in the preceding 2015, 2016, and 2017 when the unit had firearms. There were at least 12 rhinos poached in 2018, 29 rhinos in 2019, and over 50 poached by the end of 2020.

Tuesday, 24 August 2021
Kabanza R 2021. Uganda: 'Reformed' poachers cry out for help.

A group of self-proclaimed reformed poachers in the districts of Rukungiri, Mitooma and Kanungu have cried out to government demanding income-generating projects. Members constituting the group are from areas neighbouring Queen Elizabeth National Game Park in Bwambara Sub- County, Rukungiri District, Kiyanga Sub-County, Mitooma District and Kanungu District. They say "life is becoming harder unlike when they used to poach."

Thursday, 15 April 2021
David R 2021. Wildlife crime decreases in 2020Wildlife crime decreases in 2020.

According to the Combatting Wildlife Crime in Namibia Annual Report for 2020, rhino crimes accounted for most arrests during the past year, with 145 suspects having been detained. "A significant number of these were pre-emptive arrests, where suspects were caught before they could kill a rhino. This is not only a highly commendable law enforcement success, but also a very positive conservation outcome. Pre-emptive arrests have directly saved numerous rhinos and will allow the population to continue to multiply," the report stated.

Monday, 27 July 2020
Motlhoka T 2020. It's better to show tourists a dehorned rhino than nothing at all-Magosi.

The Director of the Directorate of Intelligence and Security (DIS) Brigadier Peter Magosi has defended government’s decision to dehorn Botswana’s rhinos as an anti-poaching control measure. Magosi has said the dehorning of rhinos was the only way they could ensure protection of the animals from poachers.

Friday, 22 May 2020
David R 2020. Drop in recorded wildlife crime.

Between 11 and 17 May, only one new case of wildlife crime was registered with four suspects arrested and charged, according to the latest wildlife crime statistics compiled by the Intelligence and Investigation Unit within the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism and Protected Resources. Two of the suspects were arrested on rhino poaching/trafficking, including conspiracy of rhino poaching. One springbok horn was seized.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020
Bause T 2020. Vyf gemsbokke die naweek gestroop.

Sestien vermeende stropers in hegtenis geneem. Die Namibiese polisie het ná ’n jaagtog van ongeveer 70 km op ’n grondpad drie mans in hegtenis geneem en op vier gemsbokkarkasse, ’n bakkie, twee jaggewere, messe en ’n byl beslag gelê.

Namibia police have arrested three men on a gravel road for about 70km and seized four deer carcasses, a pickup truck, two hunting rifles, knives and an ax.