Venasha, die renoster blom
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Dit gaan baie goed met Venasha, die renosterkalfie wat in Oktober 2022 by die Rhino Momma-projek aangekom het, nadat sy deur haar ma verwerp is. Volgens Juliette Erdtsieck, haar versorger van die afgelope 19 maande, bly Venasha onder meer saam met drie renosterkoeie en hul kalwers in 'n kamp. "Sy word nou regtig baie groot en is 'n regte renoster! Sy het op 26 November haar laaste bottel melk gekry en aan die einde van die jaar is sy na die groot kamp verskuif," sê Juliette. Die Rhino Momma-projek in Namibië het in 2022 in een maand twee wees-renosterkalfies gekry. Beide die kalfies is deur hul ma's verwerp en het melk, glukose of probiotika benodig om hul kragte op te bou en natuurlik baie liefde en aandag om gesond en sterk te word. Venasha, the rhino calf who arrived at the Rhino Momma project in October 2022, is doing very well after being rejected by her mother. According to Juliette Erdtsieck, her caregiver of the past 19 months, Venasha lives in a camp with three rhino cows and their calves, among other things. "She's really getting really big now and is a real rhinoceros! She got her last bottle of milk on November 26 and at the end of the year she was moved to the big camp," Juliette said. The Rhino Momma Project in Namibia received two orphaned rhino calves in one month in 2022. Both the calves were rejected by their mothers and required milk, glucose or probiotics to build their powers and, of course, lots of love and attention to grow healthy and strong.

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