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Naesje T, Hay C, Thorstad E, Okland F, Chanda B, Nickanor N 2019. Management of African riverine fish species in Namibia.
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Management of African riverine fish species in Namibia.pdf 962.54 KB
Hanssen L, Fwelimbi MH, Balyerwa Conservancy, Dzoti Conservancy, Kabulabula Conservancy, Kasika Conservancy, Lusese Conservancy, Mashi Conservancy, Nakabolelwa Conservancy, Sangwali Conservancy, Sobbe Conservancy, Wuparo Conservancy 2019. Human-Lion Conflict Mitigation in the Zambezi Region, Namibia Report March 2019.
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Human_Lion Conflict Mitigation in the Zambezi Region 2019.pdf 1.62 MB
Fernández O, Olaiz A, Cascone L, Tritlla J, Sanders C 2019. Gabon-Angola vs Namibia Atlantic margins: Are they that different?. Geophysical Research Abstracts
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Gabon_Angola vs Namibia Atlantic margins_Are they that different.pdf 93.94 KB
Keeping D, Kashe N, Langwane H, Sebati P, Molese N, Gielen M-C, Keitsile-Barungwi A, Khukwe O, Brahman N 2019. Botswana's wildlife losing ground as Kalahari Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) are dezoned for livestock expansion.
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Botswanas wildlife losing ground.pdf 187.51 KB
Gosling LM, Muntifering J, Kolberg H, Uiseb K, King SRB 2019. Equus zebra ssp. hartmannae.
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Equus zebra ssp hartmannae_2019.pdf 1.23 MB
Steynberg F, Springer M 2019. Farmer suffers millions loss .
2019. Crane Conservation Strategy. Mirande CM, Harris JT
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Crane conservation strategy_2019.pdf 38.01 MB
Kandovazu E 2019. Nine arrested for wildlife crimes.
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NAM_2019-08_Nine arrested for wildlife crimes_Informant.pdf 318.89 KB
2019. Renoster in Etosha gestamp.
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NAM_2019-08_Renoster in Etosha gestamp_Republikein.pdf 155.15 KB
Smit E 2019. 14 arrested for wildlife crimes.
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NAM_2019-12_14 arrested for wildlife crimes_Namibian Sun.pdf 119.23 KB
Smit E 2019. 19 arrested for wildlife crime.
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NAM_2019-08_19 arrested for wildlife crime_Namibian Sun.pdf 103.93 KB
Steynberg F 2019. 19 vas oor wildmisdaad.
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NAM_2019-08_19 vas oor wildmisdaad_Republikein.pdf 79.12 KB

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