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Brooke RK 1975. The taxonomic relationship of Buteo rufofuscus and B. augur. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 93-95 152 - 154
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Brooke RK 1986. Historical sketch of Afrotropical ornithlogy. Revue Zoologique Africaine 100 7-12
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Brooke Ornithological History Africa RevZoolAfr100_7-12.pdf 305.56 KB
Brooke RK Short history of ornithology in South Africa.
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Brooke Ornithological History RSA.pdf 2.77 MB
Brooke RK 1981. The place of South Africa in the world of seabirds and other marine animals. Proceedings of the Symposium on Birds of the Sea and Shore Cooper, J. 135 - 147
Brooke RK 1981. The seabirds of the Mossamedes Province, Angola. Gerfaut 71 209 - 225
Brooke RK, Sinclair JC 1978. Preliminary list of southern African seabirds. Cormorant 4 10 - 17
Brooke RK 1971. Check the Slaty Egret. Bokmakierie 23 91 - 92
Benson CW, Brooke RK, Dowsett RJ, Irwin MPS 1970. Notes on the birds of Zambia: Part V. Arnoldia Rhodesia 4 (40) 1 - 59
Crawford RJM, Shelton PA, Brooke RK, Cooper J 1982. Taxonomy, distribution, population size and conservation of the Crowned Cormorant Phalacrocorax coronatus. Gerfaut 72 3 - 30
Cooper J, Hockey PAR, Brooke RK 1985. Introduced mammals on South and South West African islands: History, effects on birds and control. Proceedings of the Birds and Man Symposium Bunning, J. L. 179-203
Hockey PAR, Brooke RK, Cooper J, Sinclair JC, Tree AJ 1986. Rare and vagrant Scopalacid waders in southern Africa. Ostrich 57 (1) 37 - 55
Cooper J, Brooke RK, Shelton PA, Crawford RJM 1982. Distribution, population size and conservation of the Cape Cormorant Phalacrocorax capensis. Fisheries Bulletin of South Africa 16 121 - 143
Avery G, Brooke RK, Komen J 1988. Records of the African Crake Crex egregia in western southern Africa. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 59 (1) 25 - 29
Brooke RK 1984. South African Red Data Book - birds.
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Brooke RK, Sinclair JC, Berruti A 1980. Geographical variation in Diomedea chlororhynchos (Aves: Diomedeidae). Durban Museum Novitates 12 (15) 172 - 180
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Geographical variation in Diomedea chlororhynchos.pdf 206.35 KB
Brooke RK, Cooper J 1979. The distinctiveness of southern African Larus dominicanus (Aves: Laridae). Durban Museum Novitates 12 (3) 27 - 37
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The distinctiveness of southern African Larus dominicanus.pdf 253.67 KB
Brooke RK 1978. The Catharacta Skuas (Aves: Laridae) occurring in South African Waters. Durban Museum Novitates xi (18) 295 - 308
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The Catharacta Skuas Occurring in South African Waters.pdf 305.18 KB
Brooke RK 1978. Sea and coastal birds collected in Angola by H. Skoog in 1912. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 98 31-32
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Sea and coastal birds collected in Angola.pdf 697.96 KB
Brooke RK 1974. On the material evidence of Hieraaetus pennatus in Southern Africa. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 94 152 - 158
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On the material evidence of Hieraaetus pennatus in SA.pdf 3.24 MB
Brooke RK 1972. Geographical variation in Palm Swifts Cypsiurus (Aves: Apodidae). Durban Museum Novitates 9 (16) 217 - 231
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Geographical variation in palm swifts Cypsiurus.pdf 285.98 KB
Brooke RK 1971. Geographical variation in the Alpine Swift Apus (Tachymarptis) melba (Aves: Apodidae). Durban Museum Novitates 9 (10) 131 - 143
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Geographical variation in the Alpine Swift Apus.pdf 277.12 KB
Brooke RK 1971. Geographical variation in the Little Swift Apus affinis (Aves: Apodidae). Durban Museum Novitates 11 (7) 93 - 103
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Geographical variation in the Little Swift Apus affinis.pdf 228.47 KB
Benson CW, Brooke RK, Irwin MPS 1971. The Slaty Egret Egretta vinaceigula is a good species. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 91 131 - 133
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The Slatey Egret Egretta vinaceigula is a good species.pdf 1.16 MB
Stutterheim CJ, Brooke RK 1981. Past and present ecological distribution of the yellowbilled oxpecker in South Africa. South African Journal of Zoology 16 (1) 44 - 49
Crawford RJM, Shelton PA, Cooper J, Brooke RK 2010. Distribution, population size and conservation of the Cape gannet Morus capensis. South African Journal of Marine Science 1 (1) 153-174
Brooke RK 1971. Geographical variation in the swifts Apus horus and Apus caffer (Aves: Apodidae). Durban Museum Novitates 9 (4) 29 - 38
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Geographical variation in the swifts Apus horus and Apus caffer.pdf 224.33 KB

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