communal land

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Displaying results 1601 - 1650 of 1703 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Pringle H, Zimmermann I, Shamathe K 2009. Bush encroachment in the Auas-Oanob Conservancy, Namibia: Mixing local expert knowledge and science to unravel salient factors through the Ecosystem Management Understanding (EMU) Process. Grassroots: Newsletter of the Grassland Society of Southern Africa 9 (1) 14-17
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Bush encroachment in the Auas_Oanob Conservancy _Namibia_2009.pdf 741.65 KB
Siiskonen H 2009. Land use rights and gender in Ovamboland, north-central Namibia, since the 1930s. Fennia: international journal of geography 187 (1) 5-15
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Land use rights and gender in Ovamboland since 1930_2009.pdf 129.27 KB
Brown CJ, Brown BTB Common-property rangelands management in Namibia: the 'conservancy' model in communal areas. Vlth International Rangeland Congress Proceedings 411-413
Mendelsohn J, Shixwameni L, Nakamhela U An overview of Communal Land Tenure in Namibia: Unlocking its Economic Potential.
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Overview of Communal Land Tenure in Namibia.pdf 418.86 KB
Twyman C, Dougill A, Sporton D, Thomas D 2001. Community Fencing in Open Rangelands: Self-Empowerment in Eastern Namibia. Review of African Political Economy 28 (87) 9-26
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Community Fencing in Open Rangelands.pdf 2.78 MB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2002. Government Notice, No. 137 Promulgation of Communal Land Reform Act, 2002 (Act No. 5 of 2002), of the Parliament.
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Communal Land Reform Act 2002.pdf 209.07 KB
Government of the Republic of Namibia Ministry of Lands and Resettlement 2010. Draft Report: Access to Credit for Communal Land Residents.
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Access to Credit for Communal Land Residents_2010.pdf 193.54 KB
Quan J, Barton D, Conroy C 1994. A preliminary assessment of the economic impact of desertification in Namiba.
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Research Discussion Paper 3_1994.pdf 4.13 MB
Strohbach BJ 2000. Vegetation degradation trends in the northern Oshikoto Region: IV. The Broad-leafed savannas with associated pans. Dinteria 26 93 - 112
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Dinteria26F.pdf 627.25 KB
Strohbach BJ 2000. Vegetation degradation trends in the northern Oshikoto Region: II. The Colophospermum mopane shrublands. Dinteria 26 63 - 75
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Dinteria26D.pdf 385.43 KB
Strohbach BJ 2000. Vegetation degradation trends in the northern Oshikoto Region: I. The Hyphaene petersiana plains. Dinteria 26 45 - 62
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Dinteria26C.pdf 253.83 KB
Fleissner KWE 1998. Bambara Groundnut Improvement Programme. Agricola 10 57 - 60
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Bambara Groundnut Improvement Programme_1998.pdf 2.67 MB
Fitter JC 1998. The SARDEP approach. Agricola 10 53 - 56
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The SARDEP approach_1998.pdf 487.3 KB
Naidoo R, Weaver LC, Stuart-Hill G, Tagg J 2011. Effect of biodiversity on economic benefits from communal lands in Namibia. Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (2) 310 - 316
Kazapua VU, Haindongo P, Shikongo P 2009. Forest fire synopsis: A Namibian context 2006-2007. Agricola 19 21 - 25
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Forest fire synopsis A Namibian context 2006_2007.pdf 3.12 MB
Botelle A, du Plessis P, Pate K, Laamanen R 2002. A Survey of Marula Fruit Yields in North-Central Namibia.
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Survey of Marula fruit yields in Northern Namibia.pdf 1.31 MB
Nieuwouldt Y 1998. Rabbits for meat in the communal areas?.
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Spotlight_012.pdf 1.98 MB
Hugo PH, Tolmay T 1998. Indigenous animals for communal farming? Does it make sense?.
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Spotlight_014.pdf 2.63 MB
Thawana SB, Visser WH 1999. Indigenous goats: Communal farmer's wealth.
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Spotlight_026.pdf 2.59 MB
Els JF 2000. Indigenous pigs. Do they have a place?.
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Spotlight_033.pdf 2.54 MB