communal land

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Displaying results 1651 - 1700 of 1703 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Mendelsohn J, Roberts C 1997. Chapters 9 - end. An environmental profile and atlas of Caprivi
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Profile of caprivi Chapter 9 to end.pdf 3.62 MB
Mendelsohn J, Roberts C 1997. Chapters 6 - 8. An environmental profile and atlas of Caprivi
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Profile of Caprivi Chapter 6 to 8_1997.pdf 2.96 MB
Mendelsohn J, Roberts C 1997. Chapters 3 - 5. An environmental profile and atlas of Caprivi
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Profile of Caprivi Chapter 3 to 5_1997.pdf 3.88 MB
Mendelsohn J, Roberts C 1997. Chapters 1 - 2, including cover and prelims. An environmental profile and atlas of Caprivi
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Profile of Caprivi Cover to Chapter 2_1997.pdf 2.48 MB
Loutit B 1996. Rhino Protection in Communal Areas, Namibia. Pachyderm 21 31-32
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Rhino Protection in Communal Areas.pdf 57.94 KB
Musaba EC 2010. Analysis of factors influencing adoption of cattle management technologies by communal farmers in Northern Namibia. Livestock Research for Rural Development 22 (104)
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cattle management technologies.docx 42.79 KB
Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S 2002. The communal lands in eastern Namibia.
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Communal Lands in Eastern Namibia.pdf 12.98 MB
Martin RB 2009. The Elephants of North-Western Namibia: Options for Management.
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NW Elephants report.pdf 2.43 MB
Martin RB 2009. Elephant Management in North-Western Namibia.
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NW Elephants booklet.pdf 9.35 MB
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 2009. Strategic Management Plan for Namibia's north-east parks.
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Strategic Management Plan for NEParks.pdf 3.19 MB
PANTHERA, WildAid, Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU) Beyond Cecil: Africa's lions in crisis.
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Cecil Lion Report.pdf 2.86 MB
Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF) 2017. Women in Conservation: CBRM a rural sustainable development model. 14-20
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Women in Conservation_CBRM a rural sustainable development model.pdf 788.37 KB
Stander PE, //au K, lui N, Dabe T, Dabe D 1997. Non consumptive utilisation of leopards. Community conservation and ecotourism in practice. Proceedings of a symposium on lions and leopards as game ranch animals, October 1997
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Non consumptive utilisation of leopards.pdf 251.61 KB
Benkenstein A, Hengari S, Mbongo W 2014. Community Forests in Namibia: Ensuring sustainable local-level forest management.
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Community forests in Namibia_2014.pdf 67.54 KB
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 2010. State of Protected Areas in Namibia - A review of progress and challenges.
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State of Protected Areas in Namibia_2010.pdf 22.22 MB
Likuwa KM 2016. Flooding and its impacts on Nkondo community in Rundu, Kavango east region of Namibia, 1950s. Jamba: Journal of Disaster Risk Studies 8 (2) 1-5
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Flooding and its impacts on Nkondo community in Rundu.pdf 187.02 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2009. Namibia's communal conservancies: a review of progress and challenges in 2008.
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Community conservation in Namibia 2008.pdf 10.29 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2015. The state of community conservation and challenges.
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The State of Community Conservation Report 2015_Poster.pdf 13.54 MB