
The forum for integrated resource Management (FIRM). Putting communities at the centre of their own development process

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This booklet shares experiences gained by Napcod in the establishment and operation of FIRM in the Grootberg area. It comprises six (6) main sections starting with a general background overview on Namibia and it's variable environment, followed by a description of Napcod. Section 3 focuses on establishment of FIRM in the Grootberg area, followed by section 4 on achievements and challenges of FIRM, as perceived by the community and Major service providers. The fifth section of the booklet describes the process of how the FIRM approach can be introduced in a new community. The final section of this booklet emphasises major challenges this approach is likely to face in future. This booklet does not try to prescribe to the reader how to establish a FIRM, but rather tries to share the Napcod experience at Grootberg and how interested parties spearheading similar initiatives somewhere else, might use this experience. Keywords: Environmental and socio-economic overview, Post independence legislative framework, IPost independence legislative framework.

Item Type:
Book or Magazine