A collection of dwellings located in a rural area. (Source: CEDa)

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Displaying results 1451 - 1500 of 1525 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Tvedten I, Nangulah S 1995. Social Relations of Poverty: A Case-Study from Owambo, Namibia.
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Social Relations of Poverty_1999.pdf 225.42 KB
MacGregor J, Palmer C, Barnes JI 2007. Forest resources and rural livelihoods in the north-central regions of Namibia.
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Forest resources and rural livelihoods_2007.pdf 253.17 KB
Jobst P, Kakukuru E, Kambutuku JR, Mouton D, Netha L, Nghitila TM, Shanyengana ES, Siyambango MS 1994. SDP 3: An investigation into the biophysical aspects and socio-economics of desertification in north western Namibia. (Climate variability, desertification and loss of biodiversity).
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SDP3.pdf 1.37 MB
Twyman C, Dougill A, Sporton D, Thomas D 2001. Community Fencing in Open Rangelands: Self-Empowerment in Eastern Namibia. Review of African Political Economy 28 (87) 9-26
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Community Fencing in Open Rangelands.pdf 2.78 MB
Dirkx E, Hager C, Tadross M, Bethune S, Curtis B 2008. Climate Change Vulnerability and Adaptation Assessment Namibia.
Mangetti National Park - Profile.
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Mangetti Park Profile.pdf 220.82 KB
Government Gazette of the Republic of Namibia 2002. Government Notice, No. 137 Promulgation of Communal Land Reform Act, 2002 (Act No. 5 of 2002), of the Parliament.
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Communal Land Reform Act 2002.pdf 209.07 KB
2005. Biofuel Namibia Final Report.
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biofuel Namibia Final Report_2005.pdf 1.8 MB
Tamayo CV, Hernández FD, Muñiz AC, Gil A 2011. Northern Regions. Flood Risk Management Plan.
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Flood Risk Management Plan.pdf 6.81 MB
Research and Information Services of Namibia (RAISON) 2011. Groundwater of the Cuvelai-Etosha Basin.
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Cuvelai_poster_Groundwater_lowres.pdf 885.57 KB
Abbott J, Hay C, Kalonga M, Naesje T, Purvis J 2003. The 2002 joint frame survey of fisheries on the Upper Zambezi River (Namibia/Zambia).
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Research Discussion Paper 58_2003.pdf 10.54 MB
Naidoo R, Weaver LC, Stuart-Hill G, Tagg J 2011. Effect of biodiversity on economic benefits from communal lands in Namibia. Journal of Applied Ecology 48 (2) 310 - 316
Henschel JR, Parr T 2009. Population changes of alien invasive plants in the lower Kuiseb River.. Dinteria 31 5 - 17
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Dinteria_31_1_Joh_R_Henschel_and_Thomas_Parr_pop_change.pdf 344.58 KB
van den Bosch S Improve your Goat and beat climate change.
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van den Bosch.pdf 539.9 KB
Klintenberg P, Mazambani C, Nantanga K 2007. Integrated Water Resources Management in the Namibian Part of the Cuvelai Basin, Central Northern Namibia. (2)
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IWRM in the Cuvelai Klintenberg.pdf 499.21 KB
Karuaihe S, Monsimane A, Nhemachena C, Kakujaha-Matundu O 2014. Rural Water Access and Management Approaches in Southern Africa: Lessons from Namibia and South Africa. Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering B3 332-334
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Rural Water Access and Management Approaches in Southern Africa.pdf 100.65 KB
Matengu K 2013. Towards improving rural water supply and sanitation coverage in Caprivi, North-east Namibia. Journal for Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences 2 (1) 21-33
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 2009. Strategic Management Plan for Namibia's north-east parks.
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Strategic Management Plan for NEParks.pdf 3.19 MB
1998. Chapter 2. Biodiversity of terrestrial and freshwater habitats - 2.2 Environmental change. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 67-72
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2_2 Environmental change_1998.pdf 9.73 MB
1998. Chapter 1. Overview of Namibia and its biological diversity - 1.2 Social and economic features. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 28-50
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1_2 Social and economic features.pdf 37.88 MB
1998. Chapter 1. Overview of Namibia and its biological diversity - 1.1 Geographical features. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 15-28
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1_1 Geographical features.pdf 19.65 MB
Weber B 2017. Addressing informal settlement growth in Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment 1 (B) 16-26
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Addressing informal settlement growth in Namibia_17.pdf 4.6 MB