
Regional Assessment of the Status of the San in Southern Africa. An Introduction to the Regional Assessment of the Status of the San in Southern Africa

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The San or 'Bushmen' of southern Africa are among the region's best-known peoples. Iconified as an archetypal hunting and gathering society, they are the subject of numerous ethnographic studies, documentaries, feature films, coffee-table books and postcards. In contrast to their popular image, however, few (if any) San still depend primarily on hunting and gathering or roam the vastness of the 'bush' clad in leather and living a life of blissful isolation. Rather, the majority of southern Africa's San population are struggling to adapt to a rapidly transforming world in which they lack de jure rights to land, are largely dependent on welfare in the form of food aid or extremely poorly paid jobs, lack the skills necessary to compete in the evolving political economy and complain of discrimination at the hands of others.

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