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Asterina luderitziana_a new species from South West Africa.pdf | 571.44 KB |
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Neue und wenig bekannte Acanthaceen aus dem Kaokoveld_1973.pdf | 6.77 MB |
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Dew occurrence and collection in Gobabeb_Central Namib Desert_2007.pdf | 1.03 MB |
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Widespread dieback of riparian trees on a dammed ephemeral river.pdf | 1.54 MB |
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Eco_physiological responses of ungulates towards heat and drought in the Damaraland desert of Namibia.pdf | 1.23 MB |
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Genetic connectivity across marginal habitats_elephants of the Namib Desert.pdf | 482.74 KB |
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Desert dwelling African elephants in Namibia dig wells to purify drinking water.pdf | 505.94 KB |
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The ecology of the desert_dwelling elephants_black Rhinoceroses and giraffes _Kaokoland and Damaraland.pdf | 1002.33 KB |
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Gene flow in mongooses endemic to Namibias granite inselbergs .pdf | 349.79 KB |
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Distribution of the Etendeka round_eared sengi_2015.pdf | 521.71 KB |
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Adaptation of birds to arid and semi arid habitats in SWA_1972.pdf | 959.63 KB |
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Bersonderheiten der Hormonelle Steuerung der Brutperiodik einiger Vogelgruppen arider Lebensraueme_1973.pdf | 545.29 KB |
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Behavioural adaptations to the Jackass Penguin to hot arid environemnts_1973.pdf | 163.51 KB |
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Arid zone adaptations in southern African birds_1973.pdf | 252.47 KB |
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Gobabeb_Mirabib_Final_IQP_Report.pdf | 7.79 MB |
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trade-offs for southern African arid_zone birds in times of drought.pdf | 208.6 KB |
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Livestock Behaviour in an Arid Land Farming System.pptx | 16.31 MB |
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The sex ratio of steenbok Raphicerus campestris in the Namib Desert Park.pdf | 275.03 KB |
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Karte des untern Khuisebthales.pdf | 11.45 MB |
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How baboons survive in worlds worst desert.pdf | 815.83 KB |
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A record of fluvial aggradation in the northern Namib Desert_2004.pdf | 9.48 MB |
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Interaction of livestock and vegetation in the lower Kuiseb River.pdf | 9.02 MB |
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Factors controlling reproduction of certain Namib Desert tenebrionids.pdf | 187.19 KB |
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Phytogeographic study of hte Kaokoveld centre of endemism.pdf | 3.8 MB |
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Weitere Untersuchungen zur Anpassung des Namibwuestenkaefers Onymacris.jpg | 95.37 KB |
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Areas and adaptation of the Namib Desert beetle_1977.pdf | 9.36 MB |
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Tylenchorhynchus species from Namibia.pdf | 1.17 MB |
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Water Resources Management Plan for the Kuiseb Basin_ Assignment Execution Report.pdf | 2.72 MB |
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Water Resources Management Plan for the Kuiseb Basin_Volume 2.pdf | 38.16 MB |
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Monitering van die beskikbaarheid_gehalte en benutting van voer op die gruisflaktes van die Kuiseb_studiegebied.pdf | 227.55 KB |
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Jungquartaere Klimaschwankungen auf der Suedhalbkugel.pdf | 1.88 MB |
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On the ages of humid Late Quaternary phases in southern African arid areas.pdf | 1.34 MB |
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Fluvial deposits of the middle Kuiseb valley.pdf | 10.59 MB |
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Realized ant assemblages in the Namib_Kalahari and Kara_Kum deserts.pdf | 17.72 MB |
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Pod production of Acacia erioloba and Acacia albida in the Kuiseb River.pdf | 13.87 MB |
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The Pleistocene in South_West Africa.pdf | 5.27 MB |
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An illustrated account of a major flood in the Kuiseb River_1963.pdf | 10.66 MB |
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Beobachtungen und Ueberlegungen auf einer Fahrt vom Naukluft Gebirge zum Kuiseb und der Wuestenforschungsstation Gobabeb_1970.pdf | 7.39 MB |
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Investigating the potentials of growing benches and effective microorganisms in arid environment.pdf | 4.76 MB |
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Die Wassererschliessung in der suedlichen Namib Suedwestafrikas_1919.pdf | 14.26 MB |
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Geographische Landschaften Suedwestafrikas_1964.pdf | 20.77 MB |
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The ephemeral rivers of the Namib.pdf | 1.59 MB |
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Fungi in the desert.pdf | 1.21 MB |
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Alien invasives in the Kuiseb River_Namib Desert_Namibia.pdf | 43.06 MB |
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Species composition and seasonal flight periodicity of stiletto fliesoccuring along the Kuiseb River.pdf | 3.81 MB |
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Productivity of detritus in the different ecosystems in the Kuiseb River.pdf | 10.33 MB |
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Kalkkrusten im Namib_Randbereich des mittleren Suedwestafrika.pdf | 15.53 MB |
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Von Wasser und Wind in der zentralen Namib.pdf | 8.97 MB |
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On the antiquity of the Namib.pdf | 1.92 MB |