Das Spektrum der geomorphologischen Milieus und die Relieftypendifferenzierung in der zentralen Namib
In Central Namib Desert fluvial morphogenesis, eolian morphogenesis, and land form stability are to be connected with some regular evolutions, which caused at different times and places the following relief types: the relief of only autochthonic fluvial morphogenesis (tumasic relief), the relief of alternatively autochthonic and autochthonic fluvial morphogenesis (gramadulla relief), and the relief of river barring dune formation (relief of tsondabisation). Keywords: Namibia, Namib Desert, Kuiseb River, arid environment, aeolian deposits, landform evolution, fluvial deposits, geomorphology, gramadulla relief, Tsondab formation.
Symposium des Deutschen Arbeitskreises für Geomorphologie. Dynamische Geomorphologie