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Kemper J, Simmons RE 2015. Cape Cormorant: Phalacrocorax capensis. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 158-160
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Kemper J 2015. Eurasian Curlew (Curlew): Numenius arquata. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 71-72
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Kemper J, Simmons RE 2015. Great Snipe: Gallinago media. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species Simmons RE 69-70
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Kemper J 2015. European Roller: Coracias garrulus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species Simmons RE 42-43
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Kemper J 2015. Crowned Cormorant: Microcarbo coronatus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species Simmons RE 152-154
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Roux J-P, Kemper J 2015. Bank Cormorant: Phalacrocorax neglectus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 155-157
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Kemper J 2015. Cape Gannet: Morus capensis. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 149-151
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Kemper J 2015. Sooty Shearwater: Puffinus griseus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 206-207
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Kemper J 2015. Spectacled Petrel: Procellaria conspicillata. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 204-205
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Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species.
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Birds to watch in Namibia 2015.pdf 75.37 MB
Kemper J 2015. Tristan Albatross: Diomedea dabbenena. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 188-189
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Kemper J 2015. African Penguin (Jackass Penguin): Spheniscus demersus. Birds to watch in Namibia: red, rare and endemic species Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 183-185
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Ludynia K, Jones R, Kemper J, Garthe S, Underhill LG 2010. Foraging behaviour of bank cormorants in Namibia: Implications for conservation. Endangered Species Research 12 (1)
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Kohler SA, Connan M, Hill JM, Mablouké C, Bonnevie B, Ludynia K, Kemper J, Huisanem J, Underhill LG, Cherel Y, McQuiad CD, Jaquemet S 2011. Geographic variation in the trophic ecology of an avian rocky shore predator, the African black oystercatcher, along the southern African coastline. Marine Ecology Progress Series 435 235-249
Sherley RB, Ludynia K, Underhill LG, Jones R, Kemper J 2012. Storms and heat limit the nest success of Bank Cormorants: Implications of future climate change for a surface-nesting seabird in southern Africa. Journal of Ornithology 153 441-455
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Storms and heat limit the nest success of Bank Cormorants.pdf 705.33 KB
Kemper J 2009. A Remarkable Ring Recovery. Lanioturdus 42 (4) 14
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A Remarkable Ring Recovery_2009.pdf 229.1 KB
Simmons RE, Brown CJ, Kemper J 2015. Namibia's endangered and threatened birds.
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Namibias endangered and threatened birds_2015.pdf 9.3 MB
Whittington P, Klages N, Crawford R, Wolfaardt A, Kemper J 2005. Age at first breeding of the African Penguin. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 76 (1-2) 14-20
Crawford RJM, David JHM, Shannon LJ, Kemper J, Klages NTW, Roux J-P, Underhill LG, Ward VL, Williams AJ, Wolfaardt AC 2001. African penguins as predators and prey - coping (or not) with change. South African Journal of Marine Science 23 (1) 435-447
Kohler SA, Wiesel I, Roux J-P, Kemper J, Underhill LG 2012. Marine nutrients imports to the Namib desert through large terrestrial carnivores and wind-blown detritus on the southern Namibian coast. Diamond Route Research Conference, 30 -31 October 2012
Sherley RB, Crawford RJM, Dyer BM, Kemper J, Makhado AB, Masotla M, Pichegru L, Pistorius PA, Roux J-P, Ryan PG, Tom D, Upfold L, Winker H 2019. The status and conservation of the Cape Gannet Morus capensis. Ostrich 90 (4) 335-346
Makhado AB, Braby R, Dyer BM, Kemper J, Mcinnes AM, Tom D, Crawford RJM 2021. Seabirds of the Benguela Ecosystem: Utilisation, long-term changes and challenges. Birds - Challenges and opportunities for business, conservation and research Mikkola H
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Vanstreels RET, Parsons NJ, Sherley RB, Stander N, Strauss V, Kemper J, Waller L, Barham BJ, Ludynia K 2023. Factors determining the number of seabirds impacted by oil spills and the success of their rehabilitation: Lessons learned from Namibia and South Africa. Marine Pollution Bulletin 188 114708
Molini U, Aikukutu G, Roux J-P, Kemper J, Ntahonshikira C, Marruchella G, Khaiseb S, Cattoli G, Dundon WG 2020. Avian Influenza H5N8 Outbreak in African Penguins (Spheniscus demersus), Namibia, 2019. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 56 (1) 214-218
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Molini et al_2020_H5N8 in Namibia.pdf 245.14 KB
Sherley RB, Makhado AB, Crawford RJM, Hagen C, Kemper J, Ludynia K, Masotla MJ, McInnes A, Pichegru L, Tom D, Upfold L, Waller LJ 2024. The African Penguin Spheniscus demersus should be considered Critically Endangered. Ostrich 95 (3)
Sherley RB, Crawford RJM, de Blocq AD, Dyer BM, Geldenhuys D, Hagen C, Kemper J, Makhado AB, Pichegru L, Upfold L, Visagie J, Waller LJ, Winker H 2020. The conservation status and population decline of the African penguin deconstructed in space and time. Ecology and Evolution 10 (15) 8506-8516
Roux J-P, Kemper J, Bartlett PA, Dyer BM, Dundee BL 2003. African Penguins Spheniscus demersus recolonise a formerly abandoned nesting locality in Namibia. Marine Ornithology 31 203-205
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Roux_2003_Marine_Ornithology_31_203-205.pdf 46.37 KB
Kemper J, Underhill LG, Crawford RJM, Kirkman SP 2007. Chapter 42: Revision of the conservation status of seabirds and seals breeding in the Benguela Ecosystem. Final Report of the BCLME (Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem) Project on Top Predators as Biological Indicators of Ecosystem Change in the BCLME. Avian Demography Unit, Cape Town 325-342
Kemper J 2007. Chapter 25: Population estimates and trends of seabird species breeding in Namibia. Final Report of the BCLME (Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem) Project on Top Predators as Biological Indicators of Ecosystem Change in the BCLME. Avian Demography Unit, Cape Town 207-210
Kemper J, Underhill LG, Roux J-P, Bartlett PA, Chesselet YJ, James JAC, Jones R, Uhongora N-N, Wepener S 2007. Chapter 11: Breeding patterns and factors influencing breeding success of African Penguins Spheniscus demersus in Namibia. Final Report of the BCLME (Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem) Project on Top Predators as Biological Indicators of Ecosystem Change in the BCLME. Avian Demography Unit, Cape Town Kirkman SP 89-99
Kemper J 2007. Chapter 9: Estimating African Penguin population size: a comparison of census techniques. Final Report of the BCLME (Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem) Project on Top Predators as Biological Indicators of Ecosystem Change in the BCLME. Avian Demography Unit, Cape Town Kirkman SP 77-80
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Kemper_2007_Estimating African Penguin population size_09.pdf 54.53 KB
Kemper J, Roux J-P, Bartlett PA, Chesselet YJ, Delport J-A, James JAC, Jones R, Underhill LG, Uhongora N-N, Wepener S 2007. Chapter 8: The African Penguin Spheniscus demersus: population estimates, trends, adult survival and age structure from molt and nest counts. Final Report of the BCLME (Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem) Project on Top Predators as Biological Indicators of Ecosystem Change in the BCLME. Avian Demography Unit, Cape Town Kirkman SP 69-76
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Kemper_2007_The African Penguin Spheniscus demersus.pdf 924.96 KB
Kemper J, Crawford RJM 2007. Chapter 5: Report on the availability and quality of seabird information. Final Report of the BCLME (Benguela Current Large Marine Ecosystem) Project on Top Predators as Biological Indicators of Ecosystem Change in the BCLME. Avian Demography Unit, Cape Town Kirkman SP 31-36
Kemper J 2006. Heading towards extinction? Demography of the African Penguin in Namibia.
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Kemper J 2004. Racing Pumpkin, a homing African Penguin. Bird Numbers 13 (2) 24-35
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Kemper_2004_bird_numbers_13_penguin.pdf 114.02 KB
Kemper J 2001. African Penguins and rubbish bins: population dynamics and conservation in Namibia. Bird Numbers 10 (2) 25-26
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African Penguins and rubbish bins_2001.pdf 190.36 KB
Kemper J, Roux J-P, Bartlett PA, Chesselet YJ, James JAC, Jones R, Wepener S, Molloy FJ 2001. Recent population trends of African penguins Spheniscus demersus in Namibia. South African Journal of Marine Science 23 (1) 429-434
Crawford RJM, Hemming M, Kemper J, Klages NTW, Randall RM, Underhill LG, Venter AD, Ward VL, Wolfaardt AC 2006. S24-2 Molt of the African penguin, Spheniscus demersus, in relation to its breeding season and food availability. Acta Zoologica Sinica 53 (Supplement) 444-447
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Crawford_2006_Acta_Zool_Sinica_Molt_Afrcn_Penguin.pdf 619.36 KB
Simmons RE, Kemper J 2003. Cave breeding by African Penguins near the northern extreme of their range: Sylvia Hill, Namibia. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 74 (3-4) 217-221

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