The act, process or industry of extracting coal, ores, etc. from the earth. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 151 - 200 of 2067 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Pulfrich A, Parkins CA, Branch GM, Bustamante RH, Velasquez CR 2003. The effects of sediment deposits from Namibian diamond mines on intertidal and subtidal reefs and rock lobster populations. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 13 (3) 257-278
Kajimo-Shakantu K, Kavela L, Shakantu W 2014. Applicability and Constraints of Delivering Water Infrastructure Via Public Private Partnership. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 119 867-876
Mapani B, Ellmies R, Kamona F, Kribek B, Majer V, Knésl I, Pasava J, Mufenda M, Mbingeneeko F 2010. Potential human health risks associated with historic ore processing at Berg Aukas, Grootfontein area, Namibia. Journal of African Earth Sciences 58 (4) 634-647
Vanek A, Ettler V, Skipalová K, Novotný J, Penížek V, Mihaljevic M, Sracek O, Drábek O, Tejnecký V, Mapani B 2013. Environmental stability of the processing waste from sulfide mining districts of Namibia - A model rhizosphere solution approach. Journal of Geochemical Exploration in Press, corrected Proof
Oyedele JA, Shimboyo S, Sitoka S, Gaoseb F 2010. Assessment of natural radioactivity in the soils of Rössing Uranium Mine and its satellite town in western Namibia, southern Africa. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 619 (1-3) 467-469
Borg G, Kämner K, Klein E 2005. Structural control on the localisation and deep oxidation of the Skorpion supergene zinc deposit, Namibia. Mineral Deposit Research: Meeting the Global Challenge 881-884
Harris L, Jones J, Schnitzer K 2012. Monuments in the Desert: A Maritime Landscape in Namibia. Journal of Maritime Archaeology 7 (1) 111-140
Burke A, Kyläkorpi L, Rydgren B, Schneeweiss R 2008. Testing a Scandinavian Biodiversity Assessment Tool in an African Desert Environment. Environmental Management 42 (4) 698-706
Wassenaar TD, Henschel JR, Pfaffenthaler MM, Mutotaa EN, Seely MK, Pallett J 2013. Ensuring the future of the Namib's biodiversity: Ecological restoration as a key management response to a mining boom. Journal of Arid Environments 93 126-135
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Ensuring the future of the Namibs biodiversity.pdf 533.57 KB
Metago Environmental Engineers 2011. Environmental Impact Assessment Report for the Husab Mine Linear Infrastructure.
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2011_Husab_Linear_infrastructure_EIA.pdf 1.11 MB
van Zyl B 2010. Swakop Uranium Husab Project, Noise Study.
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Swakop Uranium Husab Project_Noise Study_2010.pdf 1.08 MB
Newtown Landscape Architects 2010. Visual Impact Assessment for the Proposed Swakop Uranium Husab Project, Swakopmund, Namibia.
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2010_Husab_visual.pdf 3.26 MB
Metago Environmental Engineers 2010. Surface Water Management.
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2010_Husab_surface_water.pdf 1.57 MB
Metago Environmental Engineers 2010. Environmental Impact Assessment Report for the proposed Husab Mine.
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2010_Husab_EIA.pdf 1.52 MB
Metago Water Geosciences 2010. ARD Assessment Husab.
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ARD Assessment Husab.pdf 521.67 KB
Krause N, Liebenberg-Enslin H 2010. Air Quality Impact Assessment for the Proposed Swakop Uranium, Husab Project in Namibia.
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2010_Husab_air.pdf 3 MB
Earth Science Solutions 2010. Swakop Uranium Husab Project, Specialist Soils and Land Capability Assessment.
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2010_Husab_soil.pdf 1.18 MB
Aquaterra 2010. Husab Project - Hydrogeology.
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2010_Husab Project_Hydrology.pdf 17.17 MB
Burmeister and Partners 2010. Traffic Impact Assessment, Rio Tinto Rösing Uranium Limited.
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2010_Rossing_Expansion_Phase_2_traffic.pdf 14.14 MB