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Radiocarbon Dating of Speleothems from the Roessing Cave_Namib Desert_and Palaeoclimatic Implications.pdf | 818.56 KB |
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Late Quaternary climate changes in the Central Namib Desert.pdf | 7.56 MB |
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Solutional and wind erosion forms on limestone in the central Namib Desert.pdf | 5.95 MB |
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Climate change over the past 135_000 years in the Namib Desert.pdf | 16.34 MB |
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Geomorphogenese und Palaeoklima Namibias_Eine Problemskizze.pdf | 9.23 MB |
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Holozaener Klima_und Landschaftswandel in der Namib.pdf | 3.7 MB |
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Grundsaetzliches ueber Flussterrassen als palaeoklimatische Zeugen in der Namibwueste.pdf | 7.6 MB |
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Late Quaternary environmental changes in the northern Namib Desert as evidenced by fluvial landforms.pdf | 4.18 MB |
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Jungquartaere Klimaschwankungen auf der Suedhalbkugel.pdf | 1.88 MB |
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Preliminary reconstruction of the late Quaternary climatic history of the Central Namib Desert.pdf | 6.82 MB |
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Aspects of Namib geomorphology_a doline karst_1982.pdf | 593.38 KB |
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Late Cenozoic fluvial deposits of the Tsondab Valley.pdf | 12.84 MB |
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The Pleistocene in South_West Africa.pdf | 5.27 MB |
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Kalkkrusten im Namib_Randbereich des mittleren Suedwestafrika.pdf | 15.53 MB |
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On the antiquity of the Namib.pdf | 1.92 MB |
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Holocene climate of Namibia_ A review based on Geoarchives.pdf | 254.73 KB |
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A multi_proxy stalagmite record from northwestern Namibia of regional drying with increasing global_scale warmth over the last 47 kyr.pdf | 2.58 MB |
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Kaokoland Cascade Tufa Survey Interim Report.pdf | 1.83 MB |
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Palaeoecology, palaeoenvironment and palaeoclimatology of the Sperrgebiet.pdf | 204.04 KB |
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Kaokoland Cascade Tufa Survey_2023 Research.pdf | 4.03 MB |
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The Amspoort Silts.pdf | 1.24 MB |
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Late Quaternary Development of the Kuiseb River Valley and adjacent Areas_1985.pdf | 744.9 KB |
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Landscape domestication and cultural change.pdf | 1.35 MB |