Neoproterozoic to Cambrian Palaeoclimatic Events in Southwestern Gondwana
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In this review we provide a correlation scheme for Neoproterozoic palaeoclimatic events in southwestern Gondwana based on combined carbon and strontium isotope variations informed by emerging radiometric constraints on glacial deposits. Strontium isotope ratios in particular hold promise as chronostratigraphic tools if well-preserved samples can be identified, and if long-term trends through the Neoproterozoic show a regular progression to more radiogenic values. Based on analyses of high Sr limestone samples from cap carbonate lithofacies, we recognise four discrete glacial events in southwestern Gondwana, including two Sturtian, one Marinoan and one Gaskiers ice age. Notably, the Namibian Maieberg cap carbonate - considered by many to be a Marinoan archetype - sits stratigraphically below a profound positive carbon isotope excursion (called the Hüttenberg anomaly) and is correlated using Sr isotope ratios with an identical post-glacial cap in Brazil dated at ca. 740 Ma by Pb-Pb carbonate techniques. If correct, the Pb-Pb age constraint places the Ghaub ice age and its equivalents into the Sturtian epoch. Keywords: Neoproterozoic, palaeoclimate, Snowball Earth, diamictite, chemostratigraphy.
Publication Title:
Developments in Precambrian Geology
Item Type:
Journal Article