Body of people living in a town or city.

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Displaying results 1 - 22 of 22 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Potts D 2012. Whatever happened to Africa's rapid urbanisation?.
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Rapid_urbanisation.pdf 921.41 KB
Röder A, Pröpper M, Stellmes M, Schneibel A, Hill J 2015. Assessing urban growth and rural land use transformations in across-border situation in Northern Namibia and Southern Angola. Land Use Policy 42 340-354
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Assessing urban growth and rural land use transformations_2015.pdf 7.36 MB
Pendleton W, Crush J, Nickanor N 2014. Migrant Windhoek: Rural–Urban Migration and Food Security in Namibia. Urban Forum 25 (2) 191-205
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Migrant Windhoek Rural_Urban Migration and Food.pdf 410.87 KB
Simon D 1982. Recent trends in Namibian urbanization. Tijdschrift voor economische en sociale geografie 73 (4) 237-249
Fjeldstad O-H, Geisler G, Nangulah S, Nygaard K, Pomuti A, Shifotoka A, van Rooy G 2005. Local governance, urban poverty and service delivery in Namibia.
Williams QR, Greeff M, Boshemane S, Alberts R 2008. Designing future technologies for disabled people in a developing country. IST-Africa 2008 Conference Proceedings, 07-09 May 2008 2008 14
Rogerson CM 1990. Aspects of urban management in Windhoek, Namibia. Urban Forum 1 (1) 29-47
Scott D, Iipinge KN, Mfune JKE, Muchadenyika D, Makuti OV, Ziervogel G 2018. The Story of Water in Windhoek: A Narrative Approach to Interpreting a Transdisciplinary Process. Water (10)
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 1994. Land-Use Planning: Towards Sustainable Development.
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Land-Use_Planning_Towards_Sustainable_Developement_May_1994.pdf 2.15 MB
Weber B 2017. Addressing informal settlement growth in Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment 1 (B) 16-26
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Addressing informal settlement growth in Namibia_17.pdf 4.6 MB