spatial distribution

A distribution or set of geographic observations representing the values of behaviour of a particular phenomenon or characteristic across many locations on the surface of the Earth. (Source: GOOD)

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Displaying results 251 - 300 of 1968 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Cowling R, Hilton TC 1994. Patterns of plant diversity and endemism in southern Africa: an overview. Strelitzia (1) 31-52
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Patterns of plant diversity and endemism in southern Africa.pdf 1.55 MB
Roessler H, Merxmüller H 1981. Neufunde aus dem nördlichen Südwestafrika. Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München (17) 239-242
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New discoveries from the north southwest Africa.pdf 342.79 KB
Gibbs Russell GE, Retief E, Smook L 1984. Intensity of plant collecting in southern Africa. Bothalia (15) 131-138
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Intensity of plant collecting in southern Africa.pdf 2.83 MB
Lamoral BH 1979. The scorpions of Namibia (Arachnida: Scorpionida). Annals of the Natal Museum (23) 497-784
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The scorpions of Namibia.pdf 20.91 MB
Russell-Smith A 1981. Seasonal activity and diversity of ground-living spiders in two African savanna habitats. Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society (5) 145-154
Martens A, Jödicke R, Suhling F 2003. An annotated checklist of the Odonata of Namibia. Cimbebasia (18) 139-160
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An annotated checklist of the Odonata of Namibia.pdf 265.58 KB
Poynton JC, Broadley DG 1988. Amphibia Zambesiaca 4. Bufonidae. Annals of the Natal Museum (29) 447-490
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Amphibia Zambesiaca 4_Bufonidae.pdf 937.8 KB
Haacke WD 1984. The Herpetology of the Southern Kalahari domain. Koedoe (27) 171-186
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The Herpetology of the Southern Kalahari domain.pdf 5.84 MB
Wirth V, Müller J, Pfiz M, Loris K, Küppers M 2010. Lichen distribution along an ocean-inland transect in the fog zone of the Central Namib. Biodiversity in southern Africa, 2: Patterns and processes at regional scale 112-117
Howard CC 2014. In the Shade of the Mopane: Ledebouria in Namibia. Cactus and Succulent Journal (86) 92-98
Keeping D, Kashe N, Langwane H, Sebati P, Molese N, Gielen M-C, Keitsile-Barungwi A, Khukwe O, Brahman N 2019. Botswana's wildlife losing ground as Kalahari Wildlife Management Areas (WMAs) are dezoned for livestock expansion.
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Botswanas wildlife losing ground.pdf 187.51 KB
Swanepoel W 2007. Commiphora kuneneana, a new species from Kaokoveld, Namibia. Bothalia (37) 40-48
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Commiphora kuneneana_a new species from Kaokoveld.pdf 808.17 KB
Nanyeni L, Nzuma TM 2018. New record of Monsonia herrei for Namibia. Bothalia (48) a2342
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New record of Monsonia herrei for Namibia.pdf 1.82 MB
Janse van Vuuren S, Levanets A 2019. First record of Botryococcus braunii Kützing from Namibia. Bothalia (49) a2382
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First record of Botryococcus braunii Kützing from Namibia.pdf 1.83 MB
Shackleton RT, le Maitre DC, Pasiecznik NM, Richardson DM 2014. Prosopis: a global assessment of the biogeography, benefits, impacts and management of one of the world's worst woody invasive plant taxa. AoB Plants (6) plu027
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Prosopis_a global assessment.pdf 1.67 MB
Mills MSL, Pinto PV, Haber S 2012. Grey-striped Francolin Pternistis griseostriatus: specimens, distribution and morphometrics. ABC Bulletin (9) 172-177
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Grey_striped Francolin Pternistis griseostriatus.pdf 239.78 KB
Swanepoel W, Becker RW, Möller A, de Cauwer V 2019. Euphorbia rimireptans (Euphorbiaceae, Articulofruticosae), a new species from the Skeleton Coast, Namibia. Phytotaxa (414) 165–173
Archer RH 1998. Euphorbia leistneri (Euphorbiaceae), a new species from the Kaokoveld (Namibia). South African Journal of Botany (64) 258- 260
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Euphorbia leistneri a new species from the Kaokoveld.pdf 1.11 MB
Bamford AJ, Diekmann M, Monadjem A, Mendelsohn J 2007. Ranging behaviour of Cape Vultures Gyps coprotheres from an endangered population in Namibia. Bird Conservation International (17) 331–339
Rathbun GB, Ribble DO, Osborne TO, Eiseb SJ 2017. Sengis (Elephant-shrews) in North-eastern Namibia. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society (65) 69-75
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Sengis_Elephant_shrews_in North_eastern Namibia.pdf 413.18 KB
Mattiello S, Zanoni C, du Plessis H, Heinzl E, Crimella MC 2004. Habitat use and group size of African wild ungulates in a Namibian Game Ranch. Game and Wildlife Science (21) 735–745
Gosling LM, Muntifering J, Kolberg H, Uiseb K, King SRB 2019. Equus zebra ssp. hartmannae.
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Equus zebra ssp hartmannae_2019.pdf 1.23 MB
Birss C, Relton C, Selier J 2016. A conservation assessment of Sylvicapra grimmia. The Red List of Mammals of South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho
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A conservation assessment of Sylvicapra grimmia.pdf 2.05 MB
Taylor A, Avenant N, Schulze E, Viljoen P, Child MF A conservation assessment of Redunca fulvorufula fulvorufula. he Red List of Mammals of South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho
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A conservation assessment of Redunca fulvorufula fulvorufula.pdf 1.68 MB
du Plessis J, Peel M, Child MF 2016. A conservation assessment of Redunca arundinum. The Red List of Mammals of South Africa, Swaziland and Lesotho
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A conservation assessment of Redunca arundinum.pdf 1.82 MB
Rookmaaker LC 1983. The observations of Robert Jacob Gordon (1743- 1795) on giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) found in Namaqualand. Jounral of the Namibia Scientific Society (XXXVI/XXXVII) 71-90
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1983 Rookmaaker 030 Gordons Giraffes - J SWA Soc.pdf 3.87 MB