
The 1982 distribution patterns and status of some mammals on farms in South West Africa

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The Division of Nature Conservation and Tourism successfully carried out a questionnaire survey of the game occurring on private land in Namibia, in 1972. It was then decided that this survey should be repeated at 10 year intervals to monitor changes in the game populations. The present paper presents the results of the 1982 questionnaire survey. Concerning the cheetah the following data are available: the occurrence and percentage occurrence on farm, and damage caused and numbers killed by farmers during 1981. The cheetah occurred on 1344 of 2621 farms, that is the 51.3% of occurrence. Damage was reported on 1031 farms and 737 were killed in the period of the study. Additional tables compare the occurrence and damage caused by 21 mammal species on farms and analyze the attitude expressed by farmers to the nature conservation legislation in Namibia. Keywords: 1Afr, 1NA, Acinonyx jubatus, black-footed cat, Caracal caracal, cheetah, distribution, farm, Felis nigripes, Felis silvestris lybica, leopard, Leptailurus serval, lion, mammal, Mammalia, Panthera leo, Panthera pardus, patterns, questionnaire, status, wild cat.

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