folk tradition

The common beliefs, practices, customs and other cultural elements of an ethnic or social group that are rooted in the past, but are persisting into the present due to means such as arts and crafts, songs and music, dance, foods, drama, storytelling and certain forms of oral communication. (Source: VFP)

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Displaying results 1 - 18 of 18 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Breton G, Schlebusch CM, Lombard M, Sjödin P, Soodyall H, Jakobsson M 2014. Lactase Persistence Alleles Reveal Partial East African Ancestry of Southern African Khoe Pastoralists. Current Biology 24 (8) 852-858
O'Keefe SJD, Lavender R 1989. The plight of modern bushmen. The Lancet 334 (8657) 255-258
Letloa Custodian Comittee 2012. Naro San Values.
Dan V, Mchombu K, Mosimane A 2010. Indigenous medicinal knowledge of the San people: the case of Farm Six, Northern Namibia. Information Development 26 (2) 129–140
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Indigenous medicinal knowledge of the San people_2010.pdf 334.6 KB
Sullivan S, Ganuses WS 2021. Recomposing the archive? On sound and (hi)story in Damara / ǂNūkhoe pasts, from Basel to west Namibia. Oral History 49 (2) 95-108
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Recomposing the archive Sullivan S.pdf 963.55 KB
Fisch M 1999. History of the female chiefs of the Shambyu tribe (Kavangoland). Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 47 109-120
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History_of_the_female_chiefs_of_the_Shambyu_Fisch.pdf 1.34 MB
Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S 2002. The communal lands in eastern Namibia.
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Communal Lands in Eastern Namibia.pdf 12.98 MB