Species belonging to the plant kingdom. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 451 - 500 of 2692 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Mncwangi N, Chen W, Vermaak I, Viljoen AM, Gericke N 2012. Devil's Claw - A review of the ethnobotany, phytochemistry and biological activity of Harpagophytum procumbens. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 143 (3) 755-771
Craven P, Dreyer LL, van Wyk AB 2009. Floristic groups in Namibia. South African Journal of Botany 75 (2) 397
Lushetile K, Kellerman L, Strohbach B 2009. Medicinal plants used by the communities of the Caprivi, Namibia. South African Journal of Botany 75 (2) 435
Moses R, Kwembeya EG, Kolberg H, Kritzinger Q 2013. Seed physiological asepcts of selected species of the Kavango Woodland, Namibia. South African Journal of Botany 86 178
Kartusch B, Kartusch A 2008. Stem anatomy of Acanthosicyos horridus (Cucurbitaceae). South African Journal of Botany 74 (4) 647-650
Burke A 2013. Succulent plants on arid inselbergs. Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 208 (5-6) 321-329
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Succulent plants on arid inselbergs.pdf 1.16 MB
van Wyk B-E, Burke A, Mannheimer C, Magee AR, Tilney PM, Rossouw AS 2010. A new species of Polemanniopsis (Apiaceae) from Namibia. South African Journal of Botany 76 (1) 153-157
Rebelo AG 1994. Iterative selection procedures: centres of endemism and optimal placement of reserves. Botanical Diversity in Southern Africa 231-254
Thulin M, Johansson ANB 1996. Taxonomy and biogeography of the anomalous genus Wellstedia. The Biodiversity of African Plants 73-86
Bruyns PV 2000. Phylogeny and Biogeography of the Stapeliads. Plant Systematics and Evolution 221 (3-4) 227-244
Gibson AC 1996. Plant Life Forms of Warm Desert Climates. Structure-Function Relations of Warm Desert Plants 1-22
von Willert DJ, Eller BM, Werger MJA, Brinckmann E 1990. Desert succulents and their life strategies. Vegetatio 90 (2) 133-143
Maggs-Kölling GL, Madsen S, Christiansen JL 2000. A phenetic analysis of morphological variation in Citrullus lanatus in Namibia. Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution 47 (4) 385-393
Taylor HC 1978. Capensis. Biogeography and Ecology of Southern Africa 31 171-229
Schulze E-D, Eller BM, Thomas DA, von Willert DJ, Brinckmann E 1980. Leaf temperatures and energy balance of Welwitschia mirabilis in its natural habitat. Oecologia 44 (2) 258-262
von Willert DJ 1994. Welwitschia mirabilis Hook. fil. - das Überlebenswunder der Namibwüste. Naturwissenschaften 8 (10) 430-442
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Welwitschia mirabilis Hook.pdf 187.81 KB
Burke A, Kyläkorpi L, Rydgren B, Schneeweiss R 2008. Testing a Scandinavian Biodiversity Assessment Tool in an African Desert Environment. Environmental Management 42 (4) 698-706
von Willert DJ, Brinckmann E 1986. Sukkulenten und ihr Überleben in Wüsten. Naturwissenschaften 73 (2) 57-69