wildlife population statistics

The numerical facts or data collected through various methodologies, such as sighting surveys, which represent or estimate the size of any wildlife species for purposes such as analyzing population trends. (Source: RHW / EEN)

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Displaying results 251 - 300 of 1012 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Berry HH 1975. Populations, ecology and the conservation of flamingoes: South West Africa. Populations, ecology and the conservation of flamingoes: South West Africa 53-60
Berry HH 1975. Populations, ecology and the conservation of flamingoes: South West Africa. Populations, ecology and the conservation of flamingoes: South West Africa 53-60
Naidoo R, Kilian JW, du Preez P, Beytell P, Aschenborn O, Taylor RD, Stuart-Hill G Evaluating the effectiveness of local- and regional-scale wildlife corridors using quantitative metrics of functional connectivity. Biological Conservation 217 (96-103) 2017
Jacobsohn M 1996. Balancing the cost of wildlife. Namibia Environment 1 191-195
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Balancing the cost of wildlife_1996.pdf 7.14 MB
Gese EM 2004. Survey and census techniques for Canids. Canids: foxes, wolves, jackals, and dogs
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Survey and census techniques for Canids.pdf 289.89 KB
Jachmann H 2002. Comparison of aerial counts with ground counts for large African herbivores. Journal of Applied Ecology 39 841-852
Norton-Griffiths M 1978. Counting animals.
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Counting animals_1978.pdf 4.96 MB
Gaidet-Drapier N, Fritz H, Bourgarel M, Renaud P-C, Poilecot P, Chardonnet P, Coid C, Poulet D, Le Bel S 2006. Cost and efficiency of large mammal census techniques: Comparison of methods for a participatory approach in a communal area, Zimbabwe. Biodiversity and Conservation 15 (2) 735-754
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Cost and efficiency of large mammal census techniques.pdf 229.64 KB
Tensen L 2016. Under what circumstances can wildlife farming benefit species conservation?. Global Ecology and Conservation (6) 286-298
Brown C, Goldbeck M, Cooper T, Cooper S, Gondwana Collection 2013. Giraffe back in the Fish River Canyon area of southern Namibia after 160 years of local extinction. Giraffid (7) 13-15
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Giraffe reintroduction to Fish River Canyon.doc 589.5 KB
Evans LA, Adams WM 2016. Fencing elephants: The hidden politics of wildlife fencing in Laikipia, Kenya. Land Use Policy (51) 215-228
Keeping D, Burger JH, Keitsile AO, Gielen M-C, Mudongo E, Wallgren M, Skarpe C, Foote AL 2018. Can trackers count free-ranging wildlife as effectively and efficiently as conventional aerial survey and distance sampling? Implications for citizen science in the Kalahari, Botswana. Biological Conservation (223) 156-169
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Can trackers count free-ranging wildlife as effectively.pdf 2.03 MB
Jones T, Cusack JJ, Pozo RA, Smit J, Mkuburo L, Baran P, Lobora AL, Mduma A, Foley C 2018. Age structure as an indicator of poaching pressure: Insights from rapid assessments of elephant populations across space and time. Ecological Indicators (88) 115-125
Naidoo R, Stuart-Hill G, Weaver C, Tagg J, Davis A, Davidson A 2011. Effect of Diversity of Large Wildlife Species on Financial Benefits to Local Communities in Northwest Namibia. Environmental and Resource Economics (48) 321–335
Hachileka E 2003. Sustainability of wildlife utilisation in the Chobe District, Botswana. South African Geographical Journal (85) 50-57
Ayling J 2013. What Sustains Wildlife Crime? Rhino Horn Trading and the Resilience of Criminal Networks. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy (16) 57-80
Challender DWS, Harrop SR, MacMillan DC 2015. Understanding markets to conserve trade-threatened species in CITES. Biological Conservation (187) 249-259
Crookes DJ, Milner-Gulland EJ 2006. Wildlife and economic policies affecting the bushmeat trade: a framework for analysis. South African Journal of Wildlife Research (36) 159–165
Laubscher LL, Pitts NE, Raath JP, Hoffman LC 2015. Non-chemical techniques used for the capture and relocation of wildlife in South Africa: review article. African Journal of Wildlife Research (45) 275-286
Hoole AF 2009. Place-power-prognosis: Community-based conservation, partnerships, and ecotourism enterprises in Namibia. International Journal of the Commons (4) 78–99
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Place_power_prognosis_2009.pdf 170.14 KB
Turner RL 2004. Communities, conservation, and tourism-based development: Can community-based nature tourism live up to its promise?. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy (7) 161-182
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Communities_conservation_and tourism_based development.pdf 773.32 KB
Damm GR 2008. Recreational Trophy Hunting: “What do we know and what should we do?”. Best Practices in Sustainable Hunting – A Guide to Best Practices from Around the World 5–11
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Best practices in sustainable hunting.pdf 1.22 MB
Norton-Griffiths M 2007. How many Wildebeest do you need. World Econonomics (8) 41-64
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How many Wildebeest do you need.pdf 5.56 MB
Kay CE 2009. Kenya's wildlife debacle: The true cost of banning hunting. Mule Deer Foundation Magazine (27) 22-27
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Kenyas wildlife debacle.pdf 2.48 MB
Lescuyer G, Ngouhouo Poufoun J, Defo L, Bastin D, Scholte P 2016. Does trophy hunting remain a profitable business model for conserving biodiversity in Cameroon?. International Forestry Review (18) 108-118
Heffelfinger JR 2017. Inefficiency of evolutionarily relevant selection in ungulate trophy hunting. The Journal of Wildlife Management (82) 57–66
Lindsey PA, Balme GA, Funston PJ, Henschel PH, Hunter LTB 2016. Life after Cecil: channelling global outrage into funding for conservation in Africa. Conservation Letters (9) 296-301
Mahoney SP, Jackson III JJ 2013. Enshrining hunting as a foundation for conservation - the North American Model. International Journal of Environmental Studies (70) 448-459
Felton S Making a killing, making a living.
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Making a killing making a living.pdf 58.91 KB