Soil may deteriorate either by physical movement of soil particles from a given site or by depletion of the water-soluble elements in the soil which contribute to the nourishment of crop, plants, grasses, trees, and other economically usable vegetation. The physical movement generally is referred to as erosion. Wind, water, glacial ice, animals and tools in use may be agents of erosion. (Source: GILP96)

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Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment (SAIEA) 2016. Strategic environmental assessment of large-scale bush thinning and value-addition activities in Namibia - Final Report.
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Bush thinning SEA Report FINAL FINAL.docx 4.23 MB
Wasiolka B, Blaum N, Jeltsch F, Henschel J 2009. Behavioural responses of the lizard Pedioplanis l. lineoocellata to overgrazing. Acta Oecologica 35 157-162
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Behavioural responses of the lizard Pedioplanis_2009.pdf 198.38 KB
Economic Commission for Africa 2001. State of the Environment in Africa.
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State of the Environment in Africa_2001.pdf 1.4 MB
Tjilumbu L, Zimmermann I 2009. The influence of patch burning in the Thornbush savanna.
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The influence of patch burning in the Thornbush savanna.pdf 6.05 MB
Muheua S, Zimmermann I 2009. Helminth management in sheep for healthy rangeland.
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Helminth management in sheep for healthy rangeland.pdf 6.55 MB
Kauatjirue J, Shamathe K, Pringle HJR, Zimmermann I 2009. Pilot restoration project in a key fertile valley of the Highland Savanna.
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Restoration_Project_Namibian_Rangeland_Forum_2009 small.pdf 2.19 MB
Pringle H 2009. Rangelands as catchment ecosystems.
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Rangelands as catchment ecosystems small.pdf 5.48 MB
Development Consultants for Southern Africa (DECOSA) 2015. Value added end-use opportunities for Namibian encroacher bush - support to De-Bushing Project.
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Biomass Value Chain Opportunities.pdf 8.74 MB
Margoluis R, Russell V, González M, Rojas O, Magdaleno J, Madrid G, Kaimowitz D 2001. Maximum yield? Sustainable agriculture as a tool for conservation.
Zeidler J, Hanrahan S, Scholes M 2002. Land-use intensity affects range condition in arid to semi-arid Namibia. Journal of Arid Environments 52 (3) 389-403
Ward D, Ngairorue BT, Kathena J, Samuels R, Ofran Y 1998. Land degradation is not a necessary outcome of communal pastoralism in arid Namibia. Journal of Arid Environments 40 (4) 357 - 371
Coetzee M, Kinyanga V, Kruger B, Seely M, Werner W 2014. Combating land degradation in Namibia over 23 years: learning what matters in DLDD. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 69 (3) 171-174
Ludwig A, Meyer H, Nauss T 2016. Automatic classification of Google Earth images for a larger scale monitoring of bush encroachment in South Africa. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 50 89-94
Hasheela I, Schneider GIC, Ellmies R, Haidula A, Leonard R, Ndalulilwa K, Shigwana O, Walmsley B 2014. Risk assessment methodology for shut-down and abandoned mine sites in Namibia. Journal of Geochemical Exploration 144 (C) 572-580
Akhtar-Schuster M, Amiraslani F, Diaz Morejon CF, Escadafal F, Fulajtar E, Grainger A, Kellner K, Khan SI, Perez Prado O, Sauchanka U, Stringer LC, Reda F, Thomas RJ 2016. Designing a new science-policy communication mechanism for the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. Environmental Science and Policy 63 122-131
Strohbach BJ, Coetzee ME 1993. Soil erosion hazard mapping in Namibia. Proceedings of the 5th AGRISSON Congress
Reed MS, Stringer LC, Dougill AJ, Perkins JS, Atlhopheng JR, Mulale K, Favretto N 2015. Reorienting land degradation towards sustainable land management: Linking sustainable livelihoods with ecosystem services in rangeland systems. Journal of Environmental Management (151) 472-485
1969. Soil Conservation Act 76 of 1969.
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ACT_1969_06_76_Soil Conservation Act.pdf 153.67 KB
Kniivila M 2004. Land Degradation and Land Use/Cover Data Sources.
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Land degredation Kniivila_2004.pdf 172.61 KB
Quan J, Barton D, Conroy C 1994. A preliminary assessment of the economic impact of desertification in Namiba.
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Research Discussion Paper 3_1994.pdf 4.13 MB
Turner S, Marais E, Vinte M, Mudengi A, Park W 2006. Termites, Water and Soils. Agricola 16 40 - 45
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Termites Water and Soils_2006.pdf 682.57 KB
MDG 7 - Progress Towards Environmental Sustainability.
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MDG7 Namibia.pdf 445.41 KB
Beugler-Bell H, Buch MW 1997. Soils and soil erosion in the Etosha National Park, northern Namibia. Madoqua 20 (1) 91-104
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Soils and soil erosion in the Etosha National Park.pdf 2.05 MB