open sea fishing

Fishing in the deepest parts of the sea. (Source: PHC)

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Displaying results 1 - 47 of 47 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Paterson B, Kainge P 2014. Rebuilding the Namibian hake fishery: a case for collaboration between scientists and fishermen. Ecology and Society 19 (2) 49
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Rebuilding the Namibian hake fishery.pdf 532.36 KB
Paterson B, Jarre A, Moloney CL, Fairweather TP, Van der Lingen CD, Shannon LJ, Field JG 2007. A fuzzy-logic tool for multi-criteria decision making in fisheries: the case of the South African pelagic fishery. Marine and Freshwater Research 58 1056-1068
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Paterson et al 2007 MFR.pdf 519.16 KB
Paterson B, Kirchner C, Ommer RE 2013. A short history of the Namibian hake fishery—a socialecological analysis. Ecology and Society 18 (4) 66
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Paterson et al 2013 History Nam Hake ES-2013-5919.pdf 94.97 KB
EarthTrends 2003. Coastal and Marine Ecosystems - Namibia.
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Coastal and Marine Ecosystems_Namibia.pdf 71.46 KB
Nichols P 2003. A developing country puts a halt to foreign overfishing. Economic Perspectives 8 (1)
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A Developing Country Puts A Halt To Foreign Overfishing_2003.pdf 152.66 KB
Belhabib D, Mendy M, Subah Y, Broh NT, Jueseah AS, Nipey N, Boeh WW, Willemse N, Zeller D, Pauly D 2016. Fisheries catch under-reporting in The Gambia, Liberia and Namibia and the three large marine ecosystems which they represent. Environmental Development 17 (1) 157-174
Roux J-P, Van der Lingen CD, Gibbons MJ, Moroff NE, Shannon LJ, Smith ADM, Cury PM 2013. Jellyfication of Marine Ecosystems as a Likely Consequence of Overfishing Small Pelagic Fishes: Lessons from the Benguela. Bulletin of Marine Science 89 (1) 249-284
Paterson B, Petersen SL 2010. EAF implementation in Southern Africa: Lessons learnt. Marine Policy 34 (2) 276-292
1998. Focus on Fisheries and Research. Namibia Brief (20 January 1998)
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Anderson ORJ, Small CJ, Croxall JP, Dunn EK, Sullivan BJ, Yates O, Black A 2011. Global seabird bycatch in longline fisheries. Endangered Species Research (ESR) 14 91-106
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Global seabird bycatch in longline fisheries.pdf 231.97 KB
Tasker ML, Camphuysen CJ, Cooper J, Garthe S, Montevecchi WA, Blaber SJM 2000. The impacts of fishing on marine birds. ICES Journal of Marine Science 57 531–547
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The impacts of fishing on marine birds.pdf 250.69 KB
Hamukuaya H, Bianchi G, Baird D The structure of demersal assemblages off Namibia in relation to abiotic factors. African Journal of Marine Science 23 397-417
Boyer DC, Goosen AC, Boyer HJ, Coetzee JC 1997. Analysis of the 1990 and 1991 Namibian pelagic fishing seasons. Madoqua 19 (2) 121-128
Robertson A, Jarvis A, Mendelsohn J, Swart R 2012. Namibia's Coast: Figure 33 Fish distribution. Namibia's Coast: Ocean Riches and Desert Treasures
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Bartholomae CH, van der Plas AK 2007. Towards the development of environmental indices for the Namibian shelf, with particular reference to fisheries management. African Journal of Marine Science 29 (1) 25 - 35
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