
1) A representation, usually on a smaller scale, of a device, structure, etc. 2) A quantitative or mathematical representation or computer simulation which attempts to describe the characteristics or relationships of physical events. (Source: CED / LEE)

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Displaying results 1 - 21 of 21 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Dougill AJ, Thomas DSG, Heathwaite AL 1999. Environmental change in the Kalahari: integrated land degradation studies for Nonequilibrium dryland environments. Annals of the Association of American Geographers 89 (3) 420-442
Wolanski E, Newton A, Rabalais N, Legrand C 2008. Ecological Engineering: Ecological Management of Coast Zones. Encyclopedia of Ecology (46)
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Ecological Engineering_Ecological Management of Coast Zones.pdf 144.51 KB
Tucker VA 1996. Using a collision model to design safer wind turbine rotors for birds. Journal of Solar Energy Engineering-Transactions of the ASME 118 (4) 263-269
Schoonees JS, Theron AK 1995. Evaluation of 10 cross-shore sediment transport morphological models. Coastal Engineering 25 1 - 41
Osborne PE, Tigar BJ 1992. Interpreting bird atlas data using logistic models: An example from Lesotho, southern Africa. Journal of Applied Ecology 29 55 โ€“ 62
Dincer T, Child S, Khupe B 1987. A simple mathematical model of a complex hydrologic system. Journal of Hydrology 93 (1-2) 41 - 65
Fielding AH, Haworth PF 1995. Testing the generality of bird-habitat models. Conservation Biology 9 (6) 1466 - 1481
Manley PN, Zielinski WJ, Stuart CM, Keane JJ, Lind AJ, Brown C, Plymale BL, Napper CO 2000. Monitoring ecosystems in the Sierra NEVADA: the conceptual model foundation. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 64 (139-152) 139-152
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Ecosystem Sierra Nevada_2000.pdf 122.02 KB
Ferriere R, Sarrazin F, Legendre S, Baron JP 1996. Matrix population models applied to viability analysis and conservation: Theory and practice using the ULM software. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology 17 (6) 629 โ€“ 656
Ministry of Agriculture Water and Forestry (MAWF) 2005. Study on land productivity and economic farming unit.
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Nico de Klerk report on land 1.81 MB
Maclean GL 1985. Sandgrouse: Models of adaptive compromise. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 15 1 - 6
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Maclean_1985_SA_J_Wildl_Res_15_sandgrouse.pdf 257 KB