man-made climate change

Man-made climate changes may be due to the greenhouse effect and other human activities. A change in albedo of the land brought about by desertification and deforestation affects the amount of solar energy absorbed at the earth's surface. Man-made aerosols produced from the sulphur released from power stations can modify clouds. Changes in ozone levels in the stratosphere due to CFCs may influence climate. (Source: WRIGHT)

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Displaying results 1 - 30 of 30 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Alexander W 2007. Climate Change in Disarray - An African Perspective. Frontier Backgrounder 51 1 - 5
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Climate Change in Disarray_An African Perspective.pdf 349.1 KB
Holmgren K, Lee-Thorp JA, Cooper GRJ, Lundblad K, Partridge TC, Scott L, Sithaldeen R, Talma AS, Tyson PD 2003. Persistent millennial-scale climatic variability over the past 25,000 years in Southern Africa. Quaternary Science Reviews 22 (21 - 22) 2311 - 2326
Jeltsch F, Blaum N, Classen N, Eschenbach A, Grohmann C, Gröngröft A, Joubert DF, Horn A, Lohmann D, Linsenmair KE, Lück-Vogel M, Medinski TV, Meyfarth S, Mills A, Petersen A, Popp A, Poschlod P, Reisch C, Rossmanith E, Rubilar H, Wesuls D, Wichmann M, Wieczorek M, Zimmermann I 2010. Impacts of landuse and climate change on the dynamics and biodiversity in the Thornbush Savanna Biome. Biodiversity in southern Africa 3 33-74
Thuiller W, Midgley GF, Hughes GO, Bomharb B, Drew G, Rutherford MC, Woodward FI 2006. Endemic species and ecosystem sensitivity to climate change in Namibia. Global Change Biology 12 (5) 759 - 776
Jack SL, Hoffman MT, Rohde RF, Durbach I 2016. Climate change sentinel or false prophet? The case of Aloe dichotoma. Diversity and Distributions 1-13
Vogelsang R, Keding B 2013. Climate, culture, and change: from hunters to herders in northeastern and southwestern Africa. Comparative Archaeology and Paleoclimatology: Socio-Cultural Responses to a Changing World 43-62
de Young C, Hjort A, Sheridan S, Davies S 2012. Climate change implications for fisheries of the Benguela Current region – Making the best of change. FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Proceedings, No. 27 125
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) 2010. A Toolkit for Designing Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives.
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A Toolkit for Designing Climate Change Adaptation Initiatives_2010.pdf 851.69 KB
Anderson D, Barker T, Foxon T, Pan H, Warren R, Winne S 2006. Linking air pollution with climate change.
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Linking air pollution with climate change_2006.pdf 268.66 KB
Strohbach B 2002. Old vegetation data sources in Namibia. Possibilities for long-term monitoring.
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Spotlight_056.pdf 1.44 MB
Reid H, MacGregor J, Sahlén L, Stage J 2007. Counting the cost of climate change in Namibia. Sustainable Development Opinion.
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Counting the cost of climate change in Namibia_2007.pdf 96.89 KB
Thuiller W, Broennimann O, Hughes G, Robert J, Alkemade M, Midgley GF, Corsi F 2006. Vulnerability of African mammals to anthropogenic climate change under conservative land transformation assumptions. Global Change Biology 12 (3) 424 - 440
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Vulnerability of African mammals to anthropogenic climate change.pdf 561.41 KB
Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET), Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF) 2010. Climate change poster (Afrikaans).
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Climate change poster afrikaans.pdf 1.05 MB
Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET), Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF) 2010. Climate change poster (English).
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Climate Change Poster English.pdf 11.63 MB
Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET), Namibia Nature Foundation (NNF) 2010. On the Road to Adaptation: Understanding Climate Change in the Karas Region.
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Climate Change Booklet A5.pdf 4.02 MB
Andersson L, Wilk J, Todd M, Hughes DA, Earle A, Kniveton D, Layberry R, Savenije HHG 2005. Impact of climate change and development scenarios on flow patterns in the Okavango River.
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Julie Wilk hydrology Scenario paper LAST.doc 453.5 KB
Goudie A 2005. The drainage of Africa since the Cretaceous. Geomorphology 67 437 - 456
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The drainage of Africa since the Cretaceous_2005.pdf 1.37 MB
Mather AA, Garland GG, Stretch DD 2009. Southern African sea levels: Corrections, influences and trends. African Journal of Marine Science 31 (2) 145 - 156