
A concept which includes all aspects of the surroundings of humanity, affecting individuals and social groupings. The European Union has defined the environment as \the combination of elements whose complex interrelationships make up the settings the surroundings and the conditions of life of the individual and of society as they are or as they are felt. The environment thus includes the built environment the natural environment and all natural resources including air land and water. It also includes the surroundings of the workplace. (Source: GILP96)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 137 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
1992. Namibia's Green Plan: Environment and Development.
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Baril A, Elliott JE, Somers JD, Erickson D 1990. Residue levels of environmental contaminants in prey species of the Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus, in Canada. Canadian Field-Naturalist 104 (2) 273 - 284
Jarvinen O, Vaisanen RA 1979. Changes in bird populations as criteria of environmental changes. Holarctic Ecology 2 (2) 75-80
Harrison JA, Allan DG, van Hensbergen HJ 1994. Automated habitat annotation of bird species lists - an aid in environmental consultancy. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 65 (3-4) 316 – 328
Crawford RJM, Siegfried WR, Shannon LV, Villacastin-Herrero CA, Underhill LG 1990. Environmental-influences on marine biota off southern Africa. South Africa Journal of Science 86 330-339
Macdonald IAW, Crawford RJM, Siegfried WR, Huntley BJ 1988. Long-term environmental-change in and around southern Africa. South Africa Journal of Science 84 483-486
Shannon LV, Crawford RJM, Brundrit GB, Underhill LG 1988. Responses of fish populations in the Benguela ecosystem to environmental change. Journal Du Conseil 45 5 – 12
Thomas DSG, Shaw PA 1991. The Kalahari environment.
Robbins LH, Murphy ML 1998. The early and middle stone age.
Renee R, Hitchcock R, Smith M 1980. Settlement in Botswana.
Lane P, Reid A, Segobye A 1998. Ditswa Mmung: The archaeology of Botswana.