
The social study of the production, distribution, and consumption of wealth. (Source: GREENW)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 73 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Stein AB, Fuller TK, Damery DT, Sievert L, Marker LL 2010. Farm management and economic analyses of leopard conservation in north-central Namibia. Animal Conservation 13 419-427
Gill GJ, Turton C 2001. Pearl millet in developing countries. International Sorghum and Millets Newsletter 42 ISMN 42, 2001 1-ISMN 42, 2001 8
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Economics of the pearl millet subsector in northern Namibia.pdf 2.63 MB
International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) 1995. Prospect for the commercialisation of Pearl Millet in northern Namibia.
Lange G-M 2009. Natural capital, total wealth and sustainable development in Namibia.
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Discussion paper no 42.pdf 190.88 KB
Barnes J, Lange G-M, Nhuleipo O, Muteyauli P, Katoma T, Amupolo H, Lindeque P, Erb P 2004. Preliminary evaluation of the wildlife stocks in Namibia: Wildlife asset account.
Barnes JI, MacGregor JJ, Nhuleipo O, Muteyauli PI 2010. The value of Namibia's forest resources: Preliminary economic asset and flow accounts. Development Southern Africa 27 (2) 159 - 176
von Richter W 1970. Wildlife and rural economy in S.W. Botswana. Botswana Notes and Records 2 85-94
Dixon JEW 1978. A preliminary investigation of some economic factors involved in the hunting of game birds. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 8 81 - 82
Domptail S, Große LM, Kowalski B, Baptista J 2013. Cusseque/Cacuchi - The People. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 73-80
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Cusseque_Cacuchi_The People.pdf 1.78 MB
Hoegh-Guldberg O 2015. Reviving the Ocean Economy: the case for action - 2015.
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Reviving the ocean economy.pdf 7.58 MB
Campbell AC, von Richter W 1976. The Okavango Delta and tourism. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization 244 - 247
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The Okavango Delta and tourism_1976.pdf 1.02 MB
Fleming DM 1976. Present wildlife utilisation in the Okavango Delta. Proceedings of the Symposium on the Okavango Delta and its future utilization 195 - 222
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Present wildlife utilisation in the Okavango Delta_1976.pdf 13.23 MB
Baker AC, Muteyauli PI, Shigwedha V, Swiegers S, Sweeney LF 2009. Domestic tourism in Namibia: Results of a 2006/7 survey.
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Research Discussion Paper 80_2009.pdf 1.77 MB
Poonyth D, Barnes JI, Suich H, Monamati M 2001. Satellite and resource accounting as tools for tourism planning in southern Africa.
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Research Discussion Paper 43_2001.pdf 78.46 KB