
In an environmental context, the term refers to the dispersion of air pollutants and depends on the type of pollution source (point source, line source, diffuse source), the wind velocity and the wind direction. Distribution can be active or passive. (Source: RRDA)

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Displaying results 401 - 450 of 1192 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
van Dijk DE 1977. Habitats and dispersal of southern African Anura. African Zoology 12 (1) 169-181
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Habitats and dispersal of southern African Anura.pdf 392.42 KB
Zizka G 1989. Das isolierte Verkommen von Melinis ambigua Hackel in Namibia. Dinteria 21 3-7
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Dinteria 21_1991_1.pdf 518.4 KB
Giess W 1982. Zur Verbreitung des Tabaks in Südwestafrika Nicotiana africana Merxm.. Dinteria 16 11-20
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Dinteria_16_1982_3.pdf 1.58 MB
Giess W 1970. Moringa ovalifolia die boom van die sprokieswoud in die nasionale Etoshawildtuin. Dinteria 5 57-58
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Dinteria_5_3.pdf 186.86 KB
Giess W 1970. Die Verbreitung von Moringa ovalifolia Dinter und Berger in Südwestafrika. Dinteria 5 59-64
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Dinteria_5_4.pdf 634.28 KB
Matson TK, Putland DA, Jarman PJ, le Roux J, Goldizen AW 2007. Influences of parturition on home range and microhabitat use of female black-faced impalas. Journal of Zoology 271 (3) 318-327
Stein AB, Fuller TK, DeStefano S, Marker LL 2011. Leopard population and home range estimates in north-central Namibia. Journal of Ecology 49 (3) 383-387
Zedda L, Gröngröft A, Schultz M, Petersen A, Mills A, Rambold G 2011. Distribution patterns of soil lichens across the principal biomes of southern Africa. Journal of Arid Environments 75 (2) 215-220
Rathburn GB, Cowley TE 2008. Behavioural ecology of the black mongoose (Galerella nigrata) in Namibia. Mammalian Biology - Zeitschrift für Säugetierkunde 73 (6) 444-450
Zisadza P, Gandiwa E, van der Westhuizen H, van der Westhuizen E, Bodzo V 2010. Abundance, distribution and population trends of hippopotamus in Gonarezhou National Park, Zimbabwe :research article. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 40 (2) 149-157
Stone OML, Laffan SW, Curnoe D, Herries AIR 2013. The Spatial Distribution of Chacma Baboon (Papio ursinus) Habitat Based on an Environmental Envelope Model. International Journal of Primatology 34 (2) 407-422
Broekhuysen GJ, Liversidge R, Rand RW 1961. The South African Gannet Morus capensis 1. Distribution and movements. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 32 (1) 1 - 19
Hille Ris Lambers R, Rietkerk M, van der Bosch F, Prins HHT, de Kroon H 2001. Vegetation pattern formation in semi-arid grazing systems. Ecology 82 (1) 50-61
Traill LW 2004. Seasonal utilization of habitat by large grazing herbivores in semi-arid Zimbabwe. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 34 (1) 13-24
Barbour DJ 1968. Cinderella Waxbill Estrilda thomensis. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 39 (4) 272