Abstract: A taxonomic revision of broad-leaved Potamogeton species ascribed to the 'P. schweinfurthii-thunbergii complex' occurring in Africa and on surrounding islands is presented. Three species, P. nodosus, P. richardii and P. schweinfurthii, are recognized in the African mainland. The widespread species P. nodosus has been widely overlooked in sub-Saharan Africa. It is recorded here for the first time from eight countries of tropical and southern Africa and from six surrounding islands. The distribution of P. richardii is critically revised and the species is recorded for the first time from Cameroon, Swaziland and Madagascar. P. schweinfurthii is recorded for the first time from Algeria, Tunisia, Burkina Faso and Niger. The nomenclature of all three species is revised. Lectotypes are designated for six names. All original material of the name P. thunbergii Cham. et Schltdl. actually belongs to P. nodosus Poir. The correct name for the East and southern African species called 'P. thunbergii' is P. richardii Solms. The lectotype of P. schweinfurthii designated by Dandy proved to be P. nodosus. A new type is therefore proposed for the species generally named P. schweinfurthii and the name itself is proposed for conservation. The morphology and stem anatomy of P. nodosus, P. richardii and P. schweinfurthii are described. In spite of some overlaps in the morphological variation in their vegetative characters, a detailed analysis of the variation patterns and instructions for reliable identification are given. The distributions of all three species are described, based solely on reliably identified specimens, many of which were also examined anatomically. Keywords: anatomy, determination, morphology, new records, revision, typification, variation.