Distributions of flower associations of pollen wasps (Vespidae: Masarinae) in southern Africa
Publication Year:
Recent (1996-2002) sampling by the authors of flower visitors in particular in the Richtersveld and Namibia has added considerably to the knowledge of the flower associations of pollen wasps (Vespidae: Masarinae) in southern Africa which prior to that date was largely based on sampling to the south and east of the Richtersveld and Namibia. Their earlier findings that pollen wasps in southern Africa show major preferences (based on number of species visiting a plant taxon) for Aizoaceae and Asteraceae remains unchanged, although in the northwest summer rainfall region the preference is for Aizoaceae: non-Mesembryanthema rather than Mesembryanthema. The preference shown by some for Aptosimeae (Scrophulariaceae) stands throughout the area and that for Hermannia (Malvaceae) is established for the north and southwest. Preferences for Campanulaceae (principally Wahlenbergia) and Cape Crotalarieae (Fabaceae: Papilionoideae) are shown to be restricted to the southwest. Preference for Zygophyllum (Zygophyllaceae) is established for the Richtersveld and Namibia only. Limited preferences for Molluginaceae, Geraniaceae and Boraginaceae, and a single close mutualistic association between two narrow endemics, a pollen wasp and Tylecodon hallii (Tölken) Tölken (Crassulaceae), are demonstrated. A greater degree of casual visiting to a wider range of plant families was recorded for the Richtersveld and Namibia than for the southwest and southeast, however, a high degree of oligophagy to narrow polyphagy is maintained throughout. Keywords: Aizoaceae, Asteraceae, Boraginaceae, Zygophyllaceae, Aptosimeae, Hermannia, Tylecodon, Wahlenbergia, Masarinae, Southern Africa.
Publication Title:
Journal of Arid Environments
Item Type:
Journal Article