cultivated plant

Plants specially bred or improved by cultivation. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 1 - 19 of 19 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
National Forestry Programme Facility in Namibia 2009. Indigenous Natural Products of Namibia - Marketing information.
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Indigenous Natural Products of Namibia_Marketing information.pdf 422.42 KB
Vital Solutions PhytoTrade Africa and Phytopharm 2009. Hoodia gordonii as a functional food ingredient.
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Hoodia_VS PTA and PYM presentation.pdf 2.41 MB
Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S, de Klerk N, Vigne P 2006. Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S 2006. Farming Systems in Namibia.
Maggs GL 1998. Genetic Marker Techniques in the family Cucurbitaceae. Agricola 10 79 - 85
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Genetic Marker Techniques in the family Cucurbitaceae.pdf 963.14 KB
Fleissner KWE 1998. Bambara Groundnut Improvement Programme. Agricola 10 57 - 60
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Bambara Groundnut Improvement Programme_1998.pdf 2.67 MB
Braun B, Awala S, Mbudhi L, Shishwandu M, Matomola B, Kompeli P 2001. Yield performance and taste evaluation of Sweetpotato varieties in northern Namibia. Agricola 12 20 - 27
Hilger P, du Plessis P 2005. The potential of traditional green leafy vegetables - processing potential.
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Spotlight_095.pdf 2.14 MB
Hilger P 2005. The potential of traditional green leafy vegetables - economic options.
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Spotlight_096.pdf 1.92 MB