Any of the membranous-winged insects which compose the superfamily Apoidea in the order Hymenoptera characterized by a hairy body and by sucking and chewing mouthparts. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 1 - 11 of 11 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Gess SK, Gess FW 2010. Pollen wasps and flowers in southern Africa.
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Pollen wasps and flowers in southern Africa.pdf 8.59 MB
Michez D, Eardley C 2007. Monographic revision of the bee genus Melitta Kirby 1802 (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Melittidae). Annales de la Société entomologique de France (N.S.): International Journal of Entomology 43 (4) 379-440
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Monographic revision of the bee genus Melitta Kirby 1802.pdf 6.33 MB
Bridgeford P, Kolberg H 2013. Vultures and honeybees. (63) 45-49
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Vultures and honeybees.pdf 1.66 MB
King LE 2019. Beehive Fence Construction Manual.
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Beehive Fence Construction Manual.pdf 3.44 MB
Cook RM, Parrini F, King LE, Witkowski ETF, Henley MD 2018. African honeybees as a mitigation method for elephant impact on trees. Biological Conservation 217 329-336
Gess SK, Gess FW 2014. Wasps and bees in southern Africa.
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Wasps and bees in southern Africa.pdf 10.72 MB
Radloff SE, Hepburn HR, Robertson MP, Van Hill R, Davidson Z, Villet MH 1996. Discriminant analysis of the honeybee populations of southwestern Africa. African Entomology 4 (1) 1-6