animal experiment

Investigation carried out in animals for research purposes. (Source: LEEa)

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Displaying results 1 - 4 of 4 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Scott L, Romera GG, Marais E, Brook GA 2018. Pollen in fossil hyrax dung from Marine Isotope Stages 2 and 3 reveals past environments in Namibia. Quaternary International (464) 260-272
van Sittert L, Crawford R 2003. Historical reconstruction of guano production on the Namibian islands 1843-1895. South African Journal of Science 99 (1) 13-16
Basson PA, Norval AG, Hofmeyr JM, Ebedes H, Schultz RA 1982. Antelope and poisonous plants: 1. Gifblaar Dichapetalum cymosum (Hooker) Engler and Prantl containing monofluoroacetate. Madoqua 13 (1) 59-70
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