animal behaviour

Behaviour of animals in their normal environment, including all the processes, both internal and external, by which they respond to changes in their environment. (Source: ALL2)

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Displaying results 351 - 400 of 619 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Skinner JD 2006. Bone collecting by hyaenas: a review. Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa 61 (1) 4-7
Barnard P 1995. The secret lives of African whydahs. 5-6
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The secret lives of African whydahs.pdf 3.01 MB
Caro TM, Young CR, Cauldwell AE, Brown DDE 2009. Animal breeding systems and big game hunting: Models and application. Biological Conservation (142) 909-929
Loarie SR, Tambling CJ, Asner GP 2013. Lion hunting behaviour and vegetation structure in an African savanna. Animal Behaviour (85) 899-906
Ordiz A, Bischof R, Swenson JE 2013. Saving large carnivores, but losing the apex predator?. Biological Conservation (168) 128-133
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Saving large carnivores_but losing the apex predator.pdf 786.07 KB
Namukonde N, Simukonda C 2018. The response of small mammal communities to low and high fire recurrences in Kafue National Park, Zambia. Climate change and adaptive land management in southern Africa - assessments, changes, challenges, and solutions 460-465
Stander P 2019. Lions (Panthera leo) specialising on a marine diet in the Skeleton Coast Park, Namibia. Namibian Journal of Environment (3) 1-10
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Lions specialising on a marine diet in the Skeleton Coast Park.pdf 3.29 MB
Gridley T, Silva MFP, Wilkinson C, Seakamela SM, Elwen SH 2018. Song recorded near a super-group of humpback whales on a mid-latitude feeding ground off South Africa. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (143)
Erbs F, Elwen SH, Gridley T 2017. Automatic classification of whistles from coastal dolphins of the southern African subregion. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (141) 2489-2500
Costantini D, Czirjak G, Melzheimer J, Menges V, Wachter B 2019. Sex and species differences of stress markers in sympatric cheetahs and leopards in Namibia. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology (Part A) 8-13
Bamford AJ, Diekmann M, Monadjem A, Mendelsohn J 2007. Ranging behaviour of Cape Vultures Gyps coprotheres from an endangered population in Namibia. Bird Conservation International (17) 331–339
Göttert T, Schöne J, Zinner D, Hodges JK, Böer M 2010. Habitat use and spatial organisation of relocated black rhinos in Namibia. Mammalia (74) 35-42
Childers JL, Eifler DA 2013. Meroles cuneirostris (wedge-snouted sand lizard) cannibalism. Herpetological Review (44) 675-676
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Meroles cuneirostris cannibalism.pdf 1.15 MB
Lehmann D, Mfune JKE, Gewers E, Cloete J, Aschenborn OH-K, Mbomboro L, Kasaona S, Brain C, Voigt CC 2020. Spatiotemporal responses of a desert dwelling ungulate to increasing aridity in North-eastern Namibia. Journal of Arid Environments 179
Murn C 2014. Observations of predatory behaviour by Whiteheaded Vultures. Journal of raptor research 48 (3) 297–299
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Observations of predatory behaviour by Whiteheaded Vultures.pdf 734.53 KB
Schwippert B 2019. African Harrier-Hawk vs Smith's Bush Squirrel. Lanioturdus 52 (2) 1-8
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African Harrier_Hawk vs Smiths Bush Squirrel.pdf 1.88 MB
Midgley JJ, Balfour D, Kerley GI 2005. Why do elephants damage savanna trees?: commentary. South African Journal of Science 101 (5-6) 213-215
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Why do elephants damage savanna trees_2005.pdf 233.55 KB
Lovegrove BG 2020. Fog basking by Namib Desert weevils. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 19 (9) 495
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Fog basking by Namib Desert weevils.pdf 207.9 KB
Tarboton W, Tarboton M Breeding and other behaviour of Woodland Kingfisher. 47-54
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Breeding and other behaviour of Woodland Kingfisher.pdf 935.76 KB
Carter S, du Plessis T, Chwalibog A, Sawosz E 2017. The honey badger in South Africa: Biology and conservation. International Journal of Avian and Wildlife Biology 2 (2) 00091
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The honey badger in South Africa Biology and conservation.pdf 455.27 KB