
The second largest of the continents, on the Mediterranean in the north, the Atlantic in the west, and the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and Indian Ocean in the east. The Sahara desert divides the continent unequally into North Africa and Africa south of Sahara. The largest lake is Lake Victoria and the chief rivers are the Nile, Niger, Congo, and Zambezi. The hottest continent, Africa has vast mineral resources, many of which are still undeveloped. (Source: CED / AMHER)

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Displaying results 101 - 150 of 257 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Malbrandt R, Maclatchy A 1958. Occurence inattendue de deux Oiseaux d' Afrique Australe au Gabon. Proceedings of the 1st Pan-African Ornithological Congress
McClean CJ, Doswald N, Küper W, Sommer JH, Barnard P, Lovett JC 2006. Potential impacts of climate change on Sub-Saharan African plant priority area selection. Diversity and Distributions 12 645-655
Kipping J, Martens A, Suhling F 2012. Africa's smallest damselfly - a new Agriocnemis from Namibia (Odonata: Coenagrionidae). Organisms Diversity and Evolution 12 (3) 301-306
McCarthy TS 1993. The great inland deltas of Africa. Journal of African Earth Sciences (and the Middle East) 17 (3) 275-291
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Broadley DG 1966. Studies on the ecology and ethology of African lizards. The Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa 2 (1) 6-16
Lindsay K, Chase M, Landen K, Nowak K 2017. The shared nature of Africa's elephants. Biological Conservation (215) 260-267
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The shared nature of Africas elephants.pdf 702.18 KB
Lindsey PA, Petracca LS, Funston PJ, Bauer H, Dickman A, Everatt K, Flyman M, Henschel P, Hinks AE, Kasiki S, Loveridge A, MacDonald DW, Mandisodza R, Mgoola W, Miller SM, Nazerali S, Siege L, Uiseb K, Hunter LTB 2017. The performance of African protected areas for lions and their prey. Biological Conservation (209) 137-149
Browne-Nuñez C, Jonker SA 2008. Attitudes Toward Wildlife and Conservation Across Africa: A Review of Survey Research. Human Dimensions of Wildlife: An International Journal (13) 47-70
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Attitudes Toward Wildlife and Conservation Across Africa_2008.pdf 154.25 KB
Barrow E, Kamugisha-Ruhombe J, Nhantumbo I, Oyono R, Savadogo M 2016. Who owns Africa's forests? Exploring the impacts of forest tenure reform on forest ecosystems and livelihoods. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods (25) 132-156
Naidoo R, Stuart-Hill G, Weaver C, Tagg J, Davis A, Davidson A 2011. Effect of Diversity of Large Wildlife Species on Financial Benefits to Local Communities in Northwest Namibia. Environmental and Resource Economics (48) 321–335
Murphree M 2004. Communal approaches to natural resource management in Africa: From whence and to where?. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy (7) 203-216
Fourie J, Santana-Gallego M 2013. The determinants of African tourism. Development Southern Africa (30) 347-366
Rogerson CM 2007. Reviewing Africa in the global tourism economy. Development Southern Africa (24) 361-379
Schnegg M 2018. Institutional multiplexity: social networks and community-based natural resource management. Sustainability Science (13) 1017–1030
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Institutional multiplexity.pdf 1.66 MB
Riggio J, Jacobson A, Dollar L, Bauer H, Becker M, Dickman A, Funston P, Groom R, Henschel P, de Iongh H, Lichtenfeld L, Pimm S 2013. The size of savannah Africa: a lion's (Panthera leo) view. Biodiversity and Conservation (22) 17–35
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The size of savannah Africa_a lions view.pdf 1.2 MB
Fischer A, Sandström C, Delibes-Mateos M, Arroyo B, Tadie D, Randall D, Hailu F, Lowassa A, Msuha M, Kereži K, Reljić S, Linnell J, Majić A 2013. On the multifunctionality of hunting - an institutional analysis of eight cases from Europe and Africa. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management (56) 531-552
Lindsey PA, Frank LG, Alexander R, Mathieson A, Romanach SS 2007. Trophy hunting and conservation in Africa: Problems and one potential solution. Conservation Biology (21) 880-883
Biggs D, Holden MH, Braczkowsk A, Cook CN, Milner-Gulland J, Phelps J, Scholes RJ, Smith RJ, Underwood FM, Adams VM, Allan J, Brink H, Cooney R, Gao Y, Hutton J, Macdonald-Madden E, Maron M, Redford KH, Sutherland WJ, Possingham P Breaking the deadlock on ivory: An iterative process that recognizes different value systems may help to protect elephants. Science (358) 1378-1381
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Biggs et al 2017 Science ivory taboo.pdf 1.76 MB
Kipping J, Clausnitzer V, Fernandes Elizalde SRF, Dijkstra KDB 2019. Chapter 9: The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Angola: An Updated Synthesis. Biodiversity of Angola - Science and Conservation: A Modern Synthesis 141-165
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The Dragonflies and Damselflies of Angola_An Updated Synthesis.pdf 1.12 MB
Mendes LF, Bivar-de-Sousa A, Williams MC 2019. Chapter 10: The Butterflies and Skippers (Lepidoptera: Papilionoidea) of Angola: An Updated Checklist. Biodiversity of Angola - Science and Conservation: A Modern Synthesis 167-203
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The Butterflies and Skippers of Angola_An Updated Checklist.pdf 1.03 MB
Skelton PH 2019. Chapter 11: The Freshwater Fishes of Angola. Biodiversity of Angola - Science and Conservation: A Modern Synthesis 207-242
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The Freshwater Fishes of Angola_2019.pdf 1.16 MB
Beja P, Pinto PV, Veríssimo L, Bersacola E, Fabiano E, Palmeirim JM, Monadjem A, Monterroso P, Svensson MS, Taylor PJ 2019. Chapter 15: The Mammals of Angola. Biodiversity of Angola - Science and Conservation: A Modern Synthesis 357-443
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Russo V, Huntley BJ, Lages F, Ferrand N 2019. Chapter 20: Conclusions: Biodiversity Research and Conservation Opportunities. Biodiversity of Angola - Science and Conservation: A Modern Synthesis 543-549
Lotz LN 1994. Revision of the genus Latrodectus (Araneae: Theridiidae) in Africa. Researches of the National Museum (10) 2-57
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Russell-Smith A 1981. Seasonal activity and diversity of ground-living spiders in two African savanna habitats. Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society (5) 145-154
Kelemu S, Niassy S, Torto B, Fiaboe K, Affognon H, Tonnang H, Maniania NK, Ekesi S 2015. African edible insects for food and feed: Inventory, diversity, commonalities and contribution to food security. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed (1) 103-119
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Diagana CH, Dodman T, Sylla SI 2006. The African Waterbird Census (1991-2004): fourteen years of waterbird surveys in Africa. Waterbirds around the world: A global overview of the conservation, management and research of the world's waterbird flyways 453-456
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