
231120002492: Proposed mining and ongoing exploration operations and supporting linear infrastructure for the Mining License (ML) No. 253, Karibib District, erongo West Region, Central Namibia

Publication Year:

The ECC is required by the Proponent (Bohale Investments Two CC) for undertaking mining operations and ongoing exploration activities for dimension stone (marble) in the Mining License (ML) No. 253, Karibib District, Erongo Region. Bohale Investment Two CC (the Proponent) has applied for the Mining License (ML) No. 253 to undertake mining for dimension stone (marble) supported by ongoing exploration activities. The proposed dimension stone mining project will involve the extraction of between 5m3 to 7m3 size blocks, sorting, storage, transportation to a plant in Karibib or Walvis Bay for final processing. The processed stones will be sold locally and exported oversees. Bohale Investment Two CC has undertaken a detailed exploration programme and has successfully evaluated the technical and economic viability of mining dimension stones (marbles) within the ML No. 253. The following is a summary of the project activities that will be implemented from construction of infrastructure to the closure and final rehabilitation of the mine and aftercare stages: (i) Preconstruction of the supporting infrastructures to access the resources (Mine Preconstruction activities). (ii) Construction of quarry (mine / pit/s) site/s area/s including the primary, screening, secondary, and cutting facilities (Quarry Construction and Development). (iii) Construction of rock waste and generals waste disposal site (Mine Construction and Development). (iv) Mining, loading, and transporting of the mined Blocks (Mine Operation). (v) Ongoing exploration, rehabilitation, and environmental monitoring (Mine Operation). (vi) Mine Closure, decommissioning, final rehabilitation / remediation / reclamation, post-closure and aftercare including monitoring (Final Mine Closure and Aftercare).

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 19 December 2023

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