
230807001838: Proposed Multiclient/Proprietary 2D / 3D Seismic Survey over the area of Interest (AOI) covering Blocks 2010A, 2010B, 2011B, 2109, 2110A, 2110B, 2111A, 2111Ba, 2111Bb, 222210A, 2210B, 2211Aa, 2211Ab, 2211Ba, 2211Bb, 2310, 2311B, 2311B, 2312, 2410, 2411 etc. Walvis Bay, Lüderitz, Orange Basins, offshore deepwater Namibia

Publication Year:

EASTERN ECHO FREE ZONE ENTITY (FZE), (PROPONENT) intends to apply for an Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) over the outlined Area of Interest (AOI) with respect to potential Multiclient/Proprietary 2D / 3D seismic survey location specific projects that may be originated within the outlined AOI. The outlined AOI covers Blocks 2010A, 2010B, 2011B, 2109, 2110A, 2110B, 2111A, 2111Ba, 2111Bb, 222210A, 2210B, 2211Aa, 2211Ab, 2211Ba, 2211Bb, 2310, 2311B, 2311B, 2312, 2410, 2411, 2412A, 2412B, 2511, 2512A, 2512B, 2611, 2612A, 2612B, 2711, 2712A, 2712B, 2713, 2811, 2812A, 2812B, 2813A, 2813B, 2912, 2913A, 2913B and Parts of Blocks 1910A, 1910B, 2009, 1911, 2011A, 2012A, 2012B, 2112A, 2112B, 2212A, 2212B, 2313, 2413A, 2413B, 2513, 2613, 2714A, 2714B, 2814B, 2914A, and 2914B (Excluding Tripp Seamount), Walvis, Lüderitz and Orange Basins, offshore deep-water Namibia. The Proposed AOI falls in water depths ranging from ca-500m to more than ca-4000m, from east to west, respectively. Although the outlined Eastern Echo AOI represents a large area coverage, the actual likely location specific Multiclient/Proprietary 2D/3D seismic survey projects to be originated within the AOI will be limited to the specific Petroleum Exploration Licenses (PELs) and Blocks with high exploration potential. The likelihood of implementing specific projects within the proposed AOI will largely depend on the expression of interests by the PELs holders or the Government through Namcor wanting to acquire Multiclient/Proprietary 2D/3D seismic data sets for their respective licenses. The overall aim of undertaken Multiclient/Proprietary 2D/3D seismic survey seismic surveys is to map the subsurface of the key potential targeted areas within the outlined AOI. Although offshore seismic surveys operations in Namibia began as far back as 1968, a lot more still need to be done to have a full understanding of the subsurface geology, and petroleum systems of the deep-water offshore Namibia. The datasets from the potential Multiclient/Proprietary 2D/3D seismic surveys will provide critical insight into the regional and local subsurface geological evolution, deep-water offshore basin architecture, depositional, structural history and delineate potential drill-ready subsurface potential reservoirs likely to be situated kilometres below the seafloor. Seismic survey data sets generated can also be utilised in the search for natural suitable Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) banking terrains as one of the possible options for Climate Change long-term global mitigation strategies. In oil and gas exploration, seismic survey data sets reduce the risk of drilling multiple dry wells, improve the chances for commercial discovery and reduces the environmental impacts of drilling more wells in the search for oil and gas resources. The marine seismic survey is conducted using a specialist survey vessel towing an energy source in form of a compressed air source and hydrophone receivers. During the survey, compressed air is released to generate seismic acoustic signals/waves at regular intervals. The generated acoustic waves travel deep into the subsurface of the earth and get reflected by various rock formations of the subsurface at different depths below the seafloor. The returned signals get recorded and measured by receiving devices called hydrophones. Geophysicists, geologists, and petroleum engineers use sophisticated software to create subsurface images /maps showing potential subsurface geological structures called reservoirs that may contain potential commercial hydrocarbons resources. This is achieved by analysing the two-way travel times of the seismic waves through the various subsurface rock layers and the surface. 2D seismic survey is a regional mapping / imaging methodology aimed at de-risking an exploration project by establishing a validated Sedimentary Basin Scale Model of an exploration AOI. 3D seismic survey on the other hand, is a detailed local mapping / imaging methodology aimed at de-risking an exploration project by establishing a local validated Prospect/s or Lead/s Scale Models of an exploration AOI. 3D and 2D seismic surveys data sets are acquired on local to subregional dense and regional widely spaced survey grids / spacings, respectively. The potential Multiclient/Proprietary 2D / 3D seismic survey location specific projects to be undertaken within the AOI, will be conducted using a MARPOL / Namibian Maritimes Laws compliant vessels and will adopt the well-established international best practices such as seasonality and survey implementation timing, establishment of buffer zones, use of Marine Mammal Observers (MMOs) & Fisheries Liaison Officers (FLOs), use of Passive Acoustic Monitoring (PAM) technology, soft starts’ and ‘pre-firing’ observations, termination of firing in the 500m exclusion zone and use of turtle friendly tail buoys.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 23 October 2023

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