
230524001506: Application for the renewal of the Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) for ongoing and proposed mining and exploration activities in the Mining License (ML) No. 121, Swakopmund District, Erongo Region, west central Namibia

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The renewed ECC is required by the Proponent (Namibia Nuclear Corporation (Pty) Ltd) with respect to the ongoing and proposed mining and exploration activities in the Mining License (ML) No. 121. Namibia Nuclear Corporation (Pty) Ltd (the Proponent) holds minerals rights under the Mining License (ML) No. 121. The 3534.5885 Ha ML No. 121 area was granted on 04/06/2017 and will expire on the 04/06/2027. The ML No. 121 is granted for base and rare metals, dimension stone, industrial minerals, nuclear fuels minerals and precious metals. Current operations in the ML area are focused on dimension stone with detailed exploration and feasibility evaluation for other commodity groups been undertaken. The following is a summary of the project developmental stages from the construction of infrastructure to the closure and final rehabilitation of the mine and aftercare stages: (i) Preconstruction of the supporting infrastructures to access the resources (Mine Preconstruction activities). (ii) Construction of quarry (mine / pit/s) site/s area/s including the primary, screening, secondary, and cutting facilities (Quarry Construction and Development). (iii) Construction of rock waste and generals waste disposal site (Mine Construction and Development). (iv) Mining, loading and transporting of the mined Blocks (Mine Operation). (v) Ongoing exploration, rehabilitation and environmental monitoring (Mine Operation), and. (vi) Mine Closure, decommissioning, final rehabilitation / remediation / reclamation, post-closure and aftercare including monitoring (Final mine closure and aftercare). Granite is main rock type that is being mine in the ML 121 with opportunities for dolerite, conglomerate, and marbles. The mining of dimension stone mining involves the extraction of small 2 m x 1 m x 0,6 m (majority), and larger blocks 2,8 m x 1,3 x 0,8 m (minority) rectangular blocks, sorting, storage, transportation to a final processing facility. The processed dimension stones will be sold locally and exported overseas.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 27 June 2023

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