
221014000087: Proposed meteorological mast and remote sensing campaign for the proposed Hyphen Hydrogen Energy Facility in the Tsau//Khaeb (Spergebiet) National Park, Namibia

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10.1 The construction of: (j) masts of any material or type and of any height, including those used for telecommunication broadcasting and radio transmission, but excluding - (i) flag poles, and (ii) lightening conductor poles. In November 2021, the Namibian government issued a notice of award stating its intention to appoint HYPHEN Hydrogen Energy (Hyphen) as the preferred bidder to develop the country’s first large-scale export green hydrogen (H2) project within in two concession areas (namely Springbok and Dolphin) in the Tsau//Khaeb National Park. The proposed green H2 project will consist of 5 gigawatts (GW) of wind and solar renewable energy facilities, as well as support infrastructure comprising a desalination plant, an electrolyser and associated infrastructure (pipelines, powerlines, battery storage, access roads, single buoy mooring, etc.). The project is forecast to produce 300 000 tons per annum (tpa) of green H2, which will then be combined with nitrogen from the air to produce 1.2 million - 1.5 million tpa of green ammonia (NH3) for the export market. The bulk of the renewable electricity generation will be in the form of wind energy, which will be generated from up to 500 turbines located within the two concession areas. To better understand the suitability of the wind resource in the proposed development area within the two concession areas, Hyphen is proposing to install 10 meteorological (met) masts in selected locations. To further reduce the wind resource uncertainty in both the horizontal and vertical planes, Hyphen is also proposing to use Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) remote sensing in two locations as a means of secondary data collection. The proposed met masts and remote sensing campaign will allow Hyphen to: • Collect site specific wind resource data and refine its understanding of the wind resource characteristics, seasonality and patterns; and • Optimise the design (wind turbine type) and layout of the wind energy facility to ensure it operates as efficiently thereby maximising the project's generation capacity.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 31 October 2022

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