
221010000030: Proposed consolidation and rezoning of Erven 3109 and 3124 Walvis Bay to "Local Business" and construction and operation of a telecommunications mast

Publication Year:

Previous Reference: APP-003574 (before online data loss). The proposed consolidation and rezoning of Erven 3109 and 3124 Walvis Bay from "Single Residential" with a density of 1 dwelling unit per 300m² to "Local Business" will permit the construction and operation of a double-storey retail showroom and offices with a related workshop and training centre for Radio Electronic (Pty) Ltd (the Proponent). In addition, the ECC is to permit the construction and operation of a 20 to 40-metre tall telecommunications mast on consolidated Erven 3109 and 3124 Walvis Bay which will be used to broadcast radio and broadband frequencies as licensed by the Communications Regulatory Authority of Namibia (CRAN). The proposed consolidation and rezoning were approved by the Town Planner of the Municipality of Walvis Bay on 12 April 2022 on the condition that an ECC is issued for the proposed rezoning, hence the purpose of this application. The Proponent’s subsidiary company, Blue Telecommunications (Pty) Ltd, is a licensed Wireless Internet Service Provider and has a Class Comprehensive (ECS and ECNS) license from CRAN. Erven 3109 and 3124 Walvis Bay are situated on the corner of Sixth Street and Johnson Fwafwa Mabakeng Street (formerly 9th Road), Walvis Bay. The vacant property behind Learning Nation Namibia and M&M Signs. To summarise, the ECC will permit the construction and operation of a retail and office premise and a telecommunications mast on the property.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 28 October 2022

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