
A Framework for Monitoring Water Resource Quality in the Orange-Senqu River Basin. Southern African Development Community Water Sector Support Unit โ€“ Gaborone, European Development Fund African Transboundary River Basin Support Programme Case of the Orang

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This report outlines a framework for water resource quality monitoring for ORASECOM that maintains appropriate sovereignty of the Member States, is consistent with the resource constraints in the Member States, and that recognises the commitment to cooperate and share skills and best practices. In order to establish and maintain a regionally effective water quality management programme ORASECOM may choose to (a) provide support under the auspice of the current Technical Task Team, (b) designate an Implementing Agent, (c) employ consultants through the Secretariat, or (d) instigate the formation of a Task Team with specific responsibilities for monitoring, laboratory analysis, information and data management. The latter is recommended based on experiences in the Danube and Black Sea Commissions. Taking into account the current financial and human resource constraints in the region, an initial monitoring network is proposed only for transboundary water management, which makes use of current national monitoring locations. Selection criteria for transboundary monitoring resulted in the identification of an initial list of 11 relevant surface monitoring locations, six in the Upper Orange-Senqu catchment with five in the Lower Orange catchment on the Namibian-South African border. Additional monitoring points in the Middle Vaal system may be added as the monitoring network develops.

Series Title:
Global Financial Commitment
Item Type: