
APP-003664: MEL Oil and Gas Exploration (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd application for Environmental Clearance Certificate (ECC) to undertake the proposed 2D Seismic Survey covering the Areas of Interest (AOI) in Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) No. 93, Owambo Sedimentary Basin

Publication Year:

MEL Oil and Gas Exploration (Namibia) (Pty) Ltd is applying for the ECC to undertake the proposed 2D seismic survey operations covering the Areas of Interest (AOI) in Petroleum Exploration License (PEL) No. 93, Owambo Sedimentary Basin, Oshikoto and Ohangwena Regions, Northern Namibia and covering the following stages. (i) Planning and mobilisation (Pre-survey preparation, field scouting and mapping of buffers and offsets along proposed survey lines). (ii) Base camp and fly-camps site setups and operations. (iii) Widening of existing tracks and farm fences access by pruning vegetation overgrowth and tracks levelling as may be applicable. (iv) Creating access across various farm fences and fixing of affected fences immediately after the survey / data acquisition drive through. (v) Creation of new access for current and possible future infill survey. (vi) Actual survey operation (data acquisition). (vii) Demobilisation and closure (Survey Completion), and. (viii) Any accidental event that may be associated with the routine and physical presence operational activities. The proposed 2D seismic survey will either use Explorer 860 Accelerated Weight Drop (AWD) or a Nomad 65 Vibrator as the energy sources and will utilise wireless receivers that will allow for greater line offsets. The rear mounted weight-drop from the Explorer 860 or the centred vibrating metal plates from the Nomad 65 will each generates acoustic / sound waves that will penetrate deep into the ground below the survey and bounced off the various subsurface rock layers. Receivers installed along the survey lines at between 5 - 10 m station intervals will measure the returning sound / acoustic wave and then recorded by a device called a seismograph. The resultant product following complex processing is a vertical sonic cross-section of the subsurface beneath the survey line showing the geological materials (de-risked geological sub-model). The interpreted 2D seismic survey data sets is used to find specific drilling locations where potential reservoirs within the AOI oil or gas may be trapped in sufficient commercial quantities.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 6 May 2022

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